This is the newest version of the Machine vs. Man program in DVD format. This program was originally released in VHS format, but many doctors found it difficult to use in the courtroom setting, especially when trying to rewind or find a specific place on the tape. The DVD format provides a higher definition image, and finding the exact spot you want is as easy as point and click.
The program represents a total of 25 human crash tests conducted at the Spine Research Institute of San Diego. These tests were filmed with multiple cameras; high-speed video and film; in-car cameras; off-board beta-cameras; digital video; etc. The tests include a wide range of motor vehicle crashes; high-speed airbag-deployment crashes; sideswipes; side impacts; front impacts; and, of course, low-speed rear-impact crashes (LOSRIC). Each crash sequence has headers describing the crash metrics, and unique to each set of images is a bumper shot showing the interactions of the crash partner's bumpers. Most often, the images demonstrate that even very jarring impacts may result in no property damage. This is extremely useful information when you are confronted by the insurance industry's attitude of "no crash - no cash" that seems so prevalent today.
The images speak for themselves. Once you watch what happens to the test subjects, you will never again have any doubt about injuries caused by low-speed collisions. It is the type of evidence no reasonable person can deny, and hopefully, juries are made up of reasonable people. This DVD program is a tremendous asset to any practice that treats victims of motor vehicle crashes. It clearly and precisely shows the kinds of forces involved, and dramatically shows what happens to occupants. I highly recommend this program to doctors with personal-injury patients.
In a landmark development, Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS) has reached a $2.8 billion settlement to resolve antitrust claims brought by health care providers, including chiropractors. The lawsuit accused BCBS of dividing the nation into exclusive regions and limiting competition, which resulted in lower reimbursements for providers. Although BCBS denies any wrongdoing, the company agreed to the settlement to avoid lengthy litigation – and you can get a piece of the pie.
The World Federation of Chiropractic (WFC) Board of Directors passed a “Policy on Non-Interference and Respect for National Authority” at its Q3 2024 meeting. Upon reading this, some might ask if the WFC policy is targeting the activities of the American Chiropractic Association (ACA) in providing international membership to Japanese individuals who do not hold a chiropractic degree from an accredited institution.
Part 3 of this three-part article on recogizing and diagnosing delayed-onset motor-vehicle acident (MVA) injuries in clinical practice coversspinal cord injury linked to cervical stenosis and spondylosis; alar sprain; and delayed instability. Part 1 discussed traumatic subdural hematoma, stroke due to MVA and traumatic central disc herniation; part 2 discussed traumatic Schmorl's nodes, post-concussion syndrome and posttraummatic syrinx.