Few chiropractors are unfamiliar with Whiplash: the Epidemic. Its early versions consisted of slide presentations that have been used successfully in educating members of our profession and the legal profession about what cervical acceleration deceleration (CAD) injuries do to our patients. The latest version, 6.0 PRO, is a PowerPoint presentation; as we have come to expect from Dr. Croft, it is superbly organized and thoroughly professional. He has improved on a great product by making it truly outstanding.
The presentation is an educational program that accomplishes its two major goals. The first goal is to educate attorneys in the personal-injury arena with regard to a number of very important concepts. It addresses their questions and problems concerning the no-crash - no-cash issue; the problems of challenging accident reconstructionists and biomechanists in the employ of the insurance industry; and the abundance of "junk science" presented in courtrooms. The second goal is accomplished in that it allows DCs to demonstrate not only their expertise in the area of CAD trauma, but more importantly, their ability to communicate this information to an audience of non-health professionals.
The information is current and extremely well-referenced. The slides even contain footage of actual crash tests conducted by SRISD that clearly demonstrate the points being made on the slides. The science is explained in easily understood terminology, so the audience won't be lost or bored into a pleasant slumber. This is a well-paced program that conveys the seriousness of the subject at hand: CAD trauma causes injuries, and these injuries are significant, documentable and treatable. It clearly exposes so many of the misconceptions held by so many in the medical community, and the majority of the insurance industry: that these "soft tissue" injuries are just figments of patients and their attorneys' imaginations; that all of these injuries are completely resolved in 6-8 weeks; and that there are no significant residuals from these traumas.
The most serious misconception dispelled by this wonderful program is the "No crash - no cash" belief held by the insurance industry. If there is no serious damage to the vehicle, there is no serious damage to the occupant, right? Dr. Croft's seminars have long provided participants with the information to refute these allegations. Now, this program allows us to present the information in a professional, concise manner that not only enhances the credibility of the message, but of the messenger.
The program is complete and includes both long and short versions of the presentation. In addition, there is a 30-page instructional document and a complete reference list. If you wish, you can cut and paste the individual slide comments to the bottom of each slide to allow you to rehearse the presentation, with all the information easily accessible. The program is incredibly flexible: by using the "red boxes," you can change the length of the program and incorporate the digital video clips of actual crash tests. The program uses a completely open architecture, allowing DCs to rearrange, remove slides or even add their own to customize the presentation to virtually any audience. If you have the companion DVD, Machine vs. Man (reviewed separately), you can set up the program to automatically run the DVD and make it an integral part of this presentation.
Whiplash: the Epidemic is extremely well-done. The format of the slides, colors used and flow have been done with forethought and vision, to place in the doctor's hand a package that will allow him or her to show attorneys the range and power of the tools the DC can bring to bear in the medicolegal setting. If personal injury is a significant part of your practice, or you would like to make a significant part of your practice, there is no finer product to add to your office.
Dr. Savoie's rating:
10out of10
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In a landmark development, Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS) has reached a $2.8 billion settlement to resolve antitrust claims brought by health care providers, including chiropractors. The lawsuit accused BCBS of dividing the nation into exclusive regions and limiting competition, which resulted in lower reimbursements for providers. Although BCBS denies any wrongdoing, the company agreed to the settlement to avoid lengthy litigation – and you can get a piece of the pie.
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