This 20-minute video is a slick, well-designed introduction to chiropractic. It costs $199 for the VHS version, $215 for DVD version, and compares favorably to anything in a similar price range.
The tape is enthusiastic and uses great graphics reminiscent of the work of Leroy Neiman, who painted sports scenes in vivid colors. It takes normal footage, often in black and white, and increases the color intensity and contrast, creating a type of electronic painting. The narrator gives a dramatic introductory lecture featuring a background that is mildly electronically psychedelic. The tape uses excellent graphics to support the dialogue, which discusses how chiropractic works; how other practitioners are trying to practice chiropractic; preventative versus sickness care; and many other topics. The underlying theme throughout is simple: why everyone needs to get checked out by a chiropractor.
This tape gets a 10. The bottom line is that after watching it, I was reminded of the excitement being a chiropractor generates. Sometimes we get weighed down by insurance certification, patient peccadilloes, office politics, etc., and forget our mission. This tape will rekindle your purpose. It can be used in your office, or by lending it out to potential patients. Either way, it hits the mark. Hollywood does not often portray what we do, and many professions are more lucrative, but no one does more important work over a lifetime. Winston Churchill once said that you make a living by what you make, but you make a life by what you give. It sure is nice to be reminded.
Dr. Savoie's rating:
10 out of 10
If you have authored, published or produced a book, audio or video package that is chiropractic-oriented, educational, nonpromotional and written or produced in a professional manner, and would like it reviewed in Dynamic Chiropractic, please send two copies of the book, video or audiocassette to:
Lynda Bloemke Dynamic Chiropractic P.O. Box 4109 Huntington Beach, California 92605-4109
Being proactive vs. reactive with tax planning will have a tremendous impact on profitability and long-term wealth creation. Keep in mind, I am not a CPA and I am not giving tax advice. Rather, I’m passing on information that I learned as a practice owner and now implement in my financial planning practice. While not an exhaustive list, here are a few items to contemplate in 2025 as you watch the dollars in your practice.
Part 2 of this three-part article on recogizing and diagnosing delayed-onset motor-vehicle acident (MVA) injuries in clinical practice discusses traumatic Schmorl's nodes, post-concussion syndrome and posttraummatic syrinx. Part 1 covered traumatic subdural hematoma, stroke due to MVA and traumatic central disc herniation.
Research now shows that limited hip internal rotation can significantly contribute to low back pain. This may be caused by hip joint variants, but more commonly by trauma causing adhesion of the hip joint capsule or even prolonged sitting, which overactivates the hip flexors and abductors, and underactivates the hip extensors and adductors.