In a landmark development, Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS) has reached a $2.8 billion settlement to resolve antitrust claims brought by health care providers, including chiropractors. The lawsuit accused BCBS of dividing the nation into exclusive regions and limiting competition, which resulted in lower reimbursements for providers. Although BCBS denies any wrongdoing, the company agreed to the settlement to avoid lengthy litigation – and you can get a piece of the pie.
We Get Letters and Email
Vaccine Danger: 1,200 Studies Can't Be Wrong
Editor's Note: The following was submitted as an open letter to the chiropractic profession.
Dear Fellow Chiropractor:
We face an unprecedented crisis in our nation and the Western world. There has been a meteoric rise in the rates of autism, developmental delays, learning disabilities, allergy, asthma, autoimmune diseases and more in the way of chronic and debilitating diseases. We are losing a large portion of the next generation of children to neurological, neurodevelopmental, behavioral and learning disabilities.
It is estimated that as many as one child in four suffers from either autism or some form of developmental problem. And cases of autism, estimated to be one in 10,000 when I was a kid, may currently may be nearing one in 25, which would be about one in six boys. Projections are at the current rate, by 2032, one of every two children will be autistic!
In addition, the rates of allergy, asthma and autoimmunity are reaching epidemic proportions. As if that isn't bad enough, there have now been over 100 autoimmune diseases identified, affecting more than 50 million Americans (approximately one in six).
All these conditions have risen exponentially, at the same trajectory as the number of doses of vaccines given to children over the past 40 years. When I was a child, I received five doses of vaccines by age 18. Today, that number is 72. Almost unbelievably, babies now get 36 CDC-recommended doses by 18 months of age (some of those are combo shots). Those 36 doses contain an incredible 5,820 mcg of aluminum – a potent neurotoxin!
The FDA has established a limit as to the amount of aluminum an infant can be exposed to from intravenous (I.V.) nutrition. I.V. nutrition is contaminated with aluminum from the manufacturing process. That limit is 5 mcg per 5 pounds of body weight. Why not vaccines? Infanrix hexa alone, a six-dose combo vaccine administered as early as 6 weeks of age, exposes an infant to 820 mcg of aluminum, 37 times the FDA limit!
In response to all of this, I have spent nearly two years creating a free 550-page interactive e-book called 1200 Studies, available for download at It contains excerpts from more than 1,200 published PubMed studies, including thousands of references. This e-book contradicts what we are being told by many medical doctors, the media, our government officials and the pharmaceutical industry about the safety and effectiveness of vaccines.
We are told time and time again that "the science is settled." Well, there are thousands of scientists and researchers who disagree – and you are about to meet them and see what they have to say. This is the first time this amount of scientific evidence has ever been amassed on this topic, especially in this type of easy-to-navigate electronic format, including links to the sources.
Unfortunately, now the unprecedented attack on our personal rights, freedoms and choices has morphed into censorship of all vaccine "misinformation" on social media. Big Pharma has long had a stranglehold on the media and now on social media. In addition, mandates that are stripping parents of personal, religious and even legitimate medical exemptions are being rammed through state legislatures all over the country by Big Pharma-backed legislators.
We as chiropractors are the last, best hope to educate the public and save the future of the next generations. By sharing the 1200 Studies link with your patients and everyone you can via email, you can be a part of the driving force to make this happen. The only way to combat the false narratives and the talking points is through a massive amount of solid scientific evidence. 1200 Studies provides that.
Alan Palmer, DC, CCST
Scottsdale, Ariz.
Author's Note: I have been a chiropractor for 33 years, worked with four professional teams (currently working with two of them for more than 20 years). I have created and run three different chiropractic professional organizations, networking chiropractors working within professional teams. I say all of this with great humility, recognizing I have been blessed beyond imagination to have had the right opportunities and circumstances to accomplish those things. Additionally, I am an evidence-based, analytical and inquisitive person. Thus, the content for my e-book is a result of thorough due diligence over the past 23 months and the compilation of a massive amount of scientific evidence. This has truly been a labor of love and I am giving it away, hoping it will be shared far and wide.
I Don't See Anything Wrong With Airport Chiropractic
Dear Editor:
I am responding to Dr. Lehman's article on airport chiropractic services [July 2019 issue: "What Direction Is Airport Chiropractic Taking Us?"]. He states, "Should we expect that additional medical services will be offered at your local airport soon? Will we be able to have our teeth cleaned at the airport or have an annual physical someday?"
The answer is yes. In my many travels though airports, both domestic and foreign, I have seen, and in one case used, the services of walk-in medical clinics at the airport. These clinics do offer routine medical services, vaccinations,and even physicals. In our highly mobile society, it seems only natural that more and more services will be offered in the airport setting.
As long as the providers are following the licensure and other applicable laws, I see nothing wrong with this practice.
Ralph Davis, DC
Savannah, Ga.