Prevention in Practice

Chiropractors Can Cure Cancer

Donald Petersen Jr., BS, HCD(hc), FICC(h)

In the past, the following was a criticism thrown at our profession by those who didn't take the time to really learn about the value of chiropractic:"Those chiropractors, they claim they can cure cancer and every other disease." But a recent report published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) demonstrates that doctors of chiropractic actually can prevent cancer.1

Late last year, the CDC published information that empowers DCs to actively participate in the reduction of cancer cases. Here's what the report found:

  • "Overweight and obesity are associated with increased risk of 13 types of cancer."
  • "These cancers account for about 40 percent of all cancers diagnosed in the United States in 2014."
  • "About 630,000 people in the U.S. were diagnosed with a cancer associated with overweight and obesity in 2014."
  • "[Fifty-five] percent of all cancers diagnosed in women and 24 percent of those diagnosed in men are associated with overweight and obesity."

The national death toll for opioid abuse is estimated at 91 Americans per day. That works out to 33,215 per year, which is just over 5 percent of the number of people who die from cancer associated with being overweight.

Approximately two-thirds of your adult patients are overweight, and about half of those are obese. Sadly, some of your patients will experience the horrors of cancer partially because they fail to address their weight and fitness issues.

This is where you come in. As a doctor of chiropractic, you can and should be the one to aid your overweight patients with their weight challenges. The alternative is that they join a questionable meal-purchase weight-loss program or start taking potentially harmful drugs. And keep in mind that the need is not only for adults, but also for teens and children.

A study published late last year in The New England Journal of Medicine concluded: "Given the current level of childhood obesity, the models predicted that a majority of today's children (57.3%; 95% uncertainly interval [UI], 55.2 to 60.0) will be obese at the age of 35 years, and roughly half of the projected prevalence will occur during childhood."2

You understand nutrition, fitness and healthy eating at a level most medical doctors don't. As a DC, you begin with a wellness philosophy that won't include the weight-loss drugs that can have severe side effects. In addition, there are several nutrition-based products available to assist your patients in their quest for healthy weight management. Many of these have been specifically researched for effectiveness and safety.

Ultimately, each of your overweight patients will need to make significant changes in their life in order to maintain a healthy body. You and your staff can assist them as they incorporate healthy eating, exercise, hydration and of course, chiropractic. As your patients get healthier, they will share their success with their friends and family. And they will have you to thank for it.

If you're fit and healthy, weight loss may seem a trivial matter. You might assume overweight people can solve their own problem if they choose to. But if you are or know someone who is overweight, you can appreciate what a challenge it is. The right kind of help can make all the difference.

Consider your role in helping your patients who are overweight or obese. You can help them regain the health they once had. You just have to want to. Doctors of chiropractic can help prevent cancer.


  1. "Cancers Associated With Overweight and Obesity Make Up 40 Percent of Cancers Diagnosed in the United States." Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Oct. 3, 2017.
  2. Ward ZJ, et al. Simulation of growth trajectories of childhood obesity into adulthood. N Engl J Med, Nov. 30, 2017;377:2145-2153.

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February 2018
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