Because they have yet to pass national legislation protecting the chiropractic profession, Japanese DCs are in a similar situation that U.S. DCs faced. We were fortunate enough to be able to pass chiropractic licensure state by state. The DCs in Japan must accomplish this nationally, which has proved to be an extremely difficult task. And in spite of their efforts, Japanese DCs are currently faced with two chiropractic professions.
ICA Goes on the Vaccine Offensive
Have you watched the vaccination documentary, "Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe," by Andrew Wakefield MD, director, and Del Bigtree, producer? This is the documentary Robert DeNiro was pressured to remove from his Tribeca Film Festival.
In 2013, Brian Hooker, a PhD biologist who has a vaccine-injured autistic child, received a call from a senior scientist at the U.S. CDC who led the agency's 2004 study on the measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine and its possible link to autism.
The lead scientist, Dr. William Thompson at the CDC, confessed in recorded phone calls that he and his team had removed and covered up crucial data in their final published report. The film details actual emails between Dr. Thompson's team and his superiors at the CDC.
The CDC asked the question, "What are we going to do with this data?" According to his own admission, Dr. Thompson changed the data by removing three of the four vaccine-injured children with autism from the study. Then, they published the altered research, indicating that there was little evidence to prove MMR caused autism. Dr. Thompson filed for and received whistleblower status with the Department of Justice.
Legal Coalition Action to Restore the Personal-Belief Exemption
Our legal team tells us that California SB 277, passed by the state legislature in 2015 and effective July 1, 2016, subjects California families to the most draconian health mandates ever attempted in the United States.
The legislation abolishes California's 55-year-old personal-belief exemption (PBE), thus requiring every California child without exception to receive more than 40 doses of 10 federally recommended vaccines [diphtheria, hepatitis B, haemophilus influenzae type b, measles, mumps, pertussis (whooping cough), poliomyelitis, rubella, tetanus, and varicella (chickenpox)] in order to enter public or private school or advance to the 7th grade.
California's personal-belief exemption has been a worldwide model for public health law since its trailblazing adoption in 1961. Now, California families have no choice about which vaccines their particular child should get or when they should get them, despite the fact that since 1988, the federal government has paid more than $3 billion to the families of children killed or crippled by vaccinations.
The current law dictates the number and timing of vaccinations, regardless of the significant scientific controversy that surrounds safety, efficacy and/or timing for each of the 10 mandated vaccinations individually and collectively.
A growing litigation coalition of groups and individuals is mounting a legal challenge to California's elimination of the personal-belief exemption. The coalition will file suit challenging California's law based on the U.S.-advocated and internationally recognized right to informed consent – without choice, there can be no consent. It argues that the state of the vaccine schedule debate means a lifetime ban on public education for non-compliance violates the U.S. and California constitutions.
"Twenty states stand ready to attempt to eliminate personal vaccine choice if the California law stands," says James S. Turner, longtime ICA general counsel and SB 277 legal coalition counsel. "The legal action to restore the Personal Belief Exemption in California is litigation for the nation."
A Call to Action and What You Can Do
Please be a part of this well-coordinated effort within the chiropractic profession and other healing arts to try to get every DC and patient in America to join the "Vaxxed" movement online, and to purchase and watch the DVD (
Alternatively, you can receive a complimentary copy by calling the International Chiropractors Association at 703-528-5000, and making a contribution of $50 or more to the ICA Legal Action Fund; or rent and watch the "Vaxxed" DVD online or on your television (two-day rental: Instructions for watching on your TV are on the website.
You are also encouraged to purchase additional DVDs and create a "lending library" for pastors, legislators, family, friends, patients, etc., to further inform the public. We suggest lending them on a 48-hour basis only. We are asking you to personally contact your chiropractic colleagues and ask them to purchase a copy and duplicate this effort.
You are being asked to do so because only through a heightened awareness of the issues of better vaccine safety, informed consent and individual control over health care choices will our society have a chance to reverse the dangerous trend toward mandatory vaccinations for all, with no recourse for the inevitable damage they will do. Knowledge is power and sharing the information as widely as possible will help educate citizens, who will then help educate policymakers on these vital issues.
Please go to to register your name on the website and/or watch the trailer; and forward this information to your contacts and social network.
Editor's note: The preceding article reflects the position of the author / ICA, not necessarily the publisher or publication. We present it here as a news piece detailing the ICA's advocacy efforts regarding the vaccination issue.