Chiropractic (General)

Seven Years of Hard Work

Donald Petersen Jr., BS, HCD(hc), FICC(h)

If you have noticed a change in the tone and content of the articles in the media regarding the chiropractic profession, you may be wondering what prompted this change. You also may have been pleasantly surprised to turn a page in a national newspaper and find a testimonial by a prominent celebrity like Jerry Rice, Aaron Rodgers and others regarding chiropractic. Or you may have had a patient visit your office with a copy of the ad, asking if you had seen it.

If you think these things just happen by chance or that reporters have miraculously changed their opinion about the profession, think again. This positive media environment is the result of seven years of extraordinary work by the Foundation for Chiropractic Progress. The F4CP has been engaged in a comprehensive, ongoing national advertising and public-relations campaign which generated more than 31 billion positive media impressions for chiropractic last year alone.

Although the foundation is making remarkable progress, there are still many doctors of chiropractic and chiropractic students who aren't aware of everything the F4CP is doing. Here's a quick recap:

  • All advertising and PR efforts are coordinated through a nationally recognized public-relations agency.
  • Every month, pro-chiropractic press releases, print advertorials, social syndications, and television and radio public-service announcements are distributed to thousands of media outlets.
  • Ads featuring celebrity testimonials about chiropractic care are placed twice a month in both USA Today and The Wall Street Journal.
  • White papers that detail the cost-effectiveness and clinical value of chiropractic, as well as its role in integrated care settings, are published annually.

The best part about the campaign is that all of its supporters receive access to these advertising materials for use in their local media and to enhance their practices.

In addition to the blanket marketing approach of the F4CP, the campaign has a healthy portion of activities that aim to advance awareness and understanding of chiropractic care among the employer community. Through strategic relationships, promotion of its white papers and positive chiropractic research, the foundation is elevating the perception of chiropractic benefits within integrated care settings.

Each year, the F4CP attends and sponsors speakers at several major employer events involving organizations such as the National Business Coalition on Health, Midwest Business Group on Health, Institute for Healthcare Consumerism, AHIP, American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine and others. The foundation's partnership with these groups has resulted in numerous opportunities to build relationships with leading medical professionals – many of whom have become contributors of F4CP white papers and/or sponsored speakers.

The F4CP has continued to work with these leaders in developing information that demonstrates the value chiropractic provides when included within integrated health care settings. These unique relationships also have enabled the foundation to connect employers with our chiropractic colleges.

To support these relationships, the F4CP has focused its white papers and presentations on important issues relative to both employers and the chiropractic profession:

Patient Centered Medical Homes: Included in "Obamacare," this model encourages a multidisciplinary approach to health care and is growing in significance. The F4CP has produced not only a white paper prepared by administrators of PCMHs, but also a toolkit for doctors to help them decide whether to join and how to be successful.

Accountable Care Organizations: ACOs represent another emerging model in health care. The F4CP white paper on this topic has helped many doctors of chiropractic with integration in their local communities.

On-Site Corporate Clinics: This is the latest trend for employers to offset costs and improve employee health. The F4CP is actively encouraging employers to include doctors of chiropractic at on-site facilities. Doctors of chiropractic are already included in on-site clinics at some of the largest corporations in the country.

Another unique foundation initiative, as discussed in our Dec. 1 issue, is the development of the new "Athletic TIPS" program that will enable doctors of chiropractic to play a larger role in the recognition, prevention and management of sports injuries. TIPS certification paves the way for DCs and other providers to gain exposure in the local sports community.

Keep in mind that every dollar contributed to the foundation goes directly to advertising and public relations. This is possible through a contribution from Foot Levelers that covers the overhead.

The F4CP works for you. As a monthly contributor, you have access to all the F4CP materials, including print ads and public-service announcements. Go to the foundation website (see below) and treat yourself to the wealth of resources at your fingertips. If you aren't already a contributor, you should be. Sign up for as little as $25 a month to get all this marketing material for your practice and support your profession at the same time.

There is still a great deal of work to do before every person knows the benefits of chiropractic care. To become a member of the Foundation for Chiropractic Progress or for more information about foundation activities, click here.

Read more findings on my blog: You can also visit me on Facebook.

January 2014
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