Because they have yet to pass national legislation protecting the chiropractic profession, Japanese DCs are in a similar situation that U.S. DCs faced. We were fortunate enough to be able to pass chiropractic licensure state by state. The DCs in Japan must accomplish this nationally, which has proved to be an extremely difficult task. And in spite of their efforts, Japanese DCs are currently faced with two chiropractic professions.
WFC Quarterly Country Reports
Editor's note: The following reports are reprinted with permission from the World Federation of Chiropractic's latest Quarterly World Report (June 2013). To view the complete report including all country reports, visit
Iran: In elections held in February, Dr. Hossein Sabbagh was re-elected as president of the Iranian Chiropractic Association (IRCA). Dr Sabbagh, a Life West graduate who practices in Tehran, also represents the chiropractic profession on the Iranian Medical Council (IMC). As reported previously, the practice of chiropractic is fully licensed in Iran. A recent milestone was issue of the 100th license.
Iranians graduating from accredited chiropractic colleges in North America and Europe are sometimes discovering difficulty in gaining licenses to practice in Iran. Dr. Sabbagh has explained in a recent letter to CCE International that this is not because of decisions by the IRCA, but because of regulations imposed by the Ministries of Health and Education. These apply to other international healthcare graduates wanting to practice in Iran, including medical doctors. Accordingly, those studying abroad, especially in Europe, and wanting to practice in Iran should contact the IRCA for advice.
Japan: There is steady progress in the challenging task of bringing order to the practice of chiropractic in Japan, where there is no legislation to regulate practice, and thousands of graduates of local short-course schools claim to be chiropractors.
Dr. Keisuke Takeyachi and Dr. Yoshihiro Murakami, of the Japanese Association of Chiropractors (JAC), reported to the WFC Council and Assembly in Durban that 800 chiropractors in Japan have now completed education at accredited colleges or in accordance with the WHO Guidelines and are eligible for registration on the Japan Chiropractic Register. The target is to have 1,500 chiropractors on the register within five years.
Understanding that regulatory legislation is unlikely for some years yet, the JAC has established the register to demonstrate that the genuine chiropractic profession has the capacity of self-regulation, and to let patients and other health professionals know, through the register's website, where to find duly qualified chiropractors. To qualify for the register, chiropractors must not only have an approved education, but also pass an International Board of Chiropractic Examiners (IBCE) examination that is the equivalent of an NBCE Part IV exam.
In another recent development, the National Consumer Affairs Center of Japan has appointed the JAC as the representative group to set up guidelines on safety and advertising, following increased reports of physical injuries by licensed and non-licensed manual therapists.
Mexico: In a report to the WFC Assembly by Dr. Enrique Benet-Canut, president of the College of Scientific Chiropractors of Mexico (the Colegio), there was announcement of a third chiropractic educational program in Mexico, commencing in August at Veracruz University (UV – Universidad Veracruzana).
This is a result of a partnership between the UV, the Colegio, and Northwestern Health Sciences University (Minnesota). It was a similar partnership between the Colegio and Northwestern that led to Mexico's two current state university programs, at the State University of the Valley of Ecatepec (UNEVE – Universidad Estatal del Valle de Ecatepec) and the State University of the Valley of Toluca (UNEVT – Universidad Estatal del Valle de Toluca), both near Mexico City.
UV, an independent university founded 60 years ago in the port city of Veracruz, is a large and prestigious university with more than 60,000 students. It offers various health science programs, including medicine, at its five campuses. The chiropractic program is being offered within the School of Medicine.
Spain: The Spanish Chiropractors' Association (AEQ) hosted the ECU's 2013 Annual Convention in Sitges near Barcelona from May 9-11, and many delegates took the opportunity to visit the Barcelona College of Chiropractic (BCC), one of Spain's two new chiropractic colleges established during the past five years.
The Barcelona College of Chiropractic, which is affiliated with the Pompeu Fabra University (UPF), holds most of its classes and has its administrative offices there. UPF, a prestigious Spanish university with five campuses in and around Barcelona, will award a master's degree in chiropractic to graduating students.
The BCC foundation class is now in clinical training in a spacious and impressive new clinic in central Barcelona. BCC's 120 students are in a bilingual program that requires fluency in Spanish and English upon graduation.
For a video introduction to the BCC hosted by Principal Dr. Adrian Wenban, visit