Education & Seminars

Sherman Granted Reaffirmation of Accreditation by CCE

The Council on Chiropractic Education (CCE) notified Sherman College of Chiropractic on Jan. 24, 2012, that it has reaffirmed accreditation of the doctor of chiropractic degree program through 2019.

"Reaffirmation is the result of much hard work and dedication by the employees, students, trustees and many supporters of Sherman College," said Sherman Accreditation Liaison and Vice President for Academic Affairs, Robert L. Irwin, DC. "The accreditation process itself makes Sherman College a stronger institution. We have created a more comprehensive chiropractic education; made our program and our clinic more patient-centered to address the needs of healthcare consumers today; and improved teaching and learning, enhancing our ability to graduate skilled, compassionate and successful doctors of chiropractic to serve the public. We are happy to see our efforts acknowledged through the reaffirmation of accreditation."

The reaffirmation process includes the college's continuous assessment of program outcomes to determine its effectiveness in relation to its mission, goals and objectives. Accreditation is a status granted by the CCE to doctor of chiropractic degree programs and institutions that have been found to meet the CCE Standards.

Source: Sherman College of Chiropractic

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