Chiropractic (General)

Too Much Important Information About Chiropractic

Donald M. Petersen Jr., BS, HCD(hc), FICC(h)

One would think that with 26 issues of Dynamic Chiropractic and 12 more of DC PracticeINSIGHTS published every year, we could easily provide you with "all the news that's fit to print"1 as it pertains to the practice and profession of chiropractic. But that is simply not the case. Chiropractic is too broad in its ability to heal and there is so much happening in our profession that much of what we would like to present is still not making it to the pages of DC and DCPI. In addition, many doctors (perhaps you?) don't feel they can effectively compete for space with our "regular" writers and columnists.

The good news is that the Web provides great opportunities to present content to DCs and consumers around the world. With almost 13,000 articles, serves visitors from 222 countries. In addition, the DC News Update e-newsletter is sent to more than 43,000 DCs every two weeks.2-3

And while the overall readerships of DC and DCPI are still much higher, articles posted on the Web site are enjoying more and more exposure; so much so that it is not unusual to have an article read 2,000-3,000 times on the Web during the first 12 months it's online.

All this is to say that in 2012, we will begin an effort to at least double the amount of articles we publish each month. Yes, you will be able to read many of these articles in the pages of DC and DCPI, but there will be as many, if not more, presented on By expanding our sites to include more articles, we will increase the amount of information available to you, your office staff and interested health care parties worldwide.

This opens the door to many more authors being published each month. Perhaps you would like to contribute to the chiropractic body of knowledge. Do you have a great idea for a new adjustment technique, how to better serve patients, a way to increase practice income, a clinical treatment strategy, or something else your colleagues would appreciate hearing about? If so, we are looking for you to send us your article for review and consideration.

For example, when we launched DC PracticeINSIGHTS last year, we discovered that there are a large number of docs who have developed great procedures and strategies for making their practices successful. They aren't practice-management professionals, but DCs who have found excellent solutions to common practice challenges.

Your article must be original, nonpromotional (noncommercial), approximately 1,000-1,200 words (longer submissions will be considered but may need to be published in print in two or more parts), and relevant to our readership.4 That's about it. Articles can be submitted via e-mail to:

Peter Crownfield
Executive Editor

If you haven't already subscribed to DC News Update, you can receive biweekly updates on the latest articles published in DC and DCPI – articles that may appear in print and online, or online only.3 Expect to find additional articles from new authors, many of whom are docs just like you interested in sharing great ideas to help you better serve your patients and your community.


  1. "All the News That's Fit to Print" is the official motto of The New York Times.
  2. View the current issue of DC News Update online at:
  3. Subscribe to DC News Update for free at:
  4. Complete MPA Media Article Submission Guidelines are available at

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September 2011
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