Chiropractic (General)

Be a Part of Chiropractic History

Donald M. Petersen Jr., BS, HCD(hc), FICC(h)

On occasion, my children (like most children) complain about doing their household chores. They are quick to mention all of their other responsibilities - school, homework, club soccer, etc. They really just don't want to do anything more than they are already doing.

As a parent, I appreciate their complaints ... to a point. My wife and I long for a lazy afternoon, a quiet evening or a morning that begins after 5 a.m. But we only have so many years to live and are determined to live our lives to the fullest by positively impacting our world to the best of our ability. We want to look back on our contributions to a better world and see that we've made a difference.

A year ago, the Foundation for Chiropractic Education and Research (FCER) announced that it was beginning a self-liquidation process.1 The recession had reduced its support base down to a level that was no longer self-sustaining. And while other organizations are filling in some of the gaps, we will never really know how the loss of the FCER has impacted our future.

Sadly, the FCER is not the only nonprofit chiropractic organization experiencing financial challenges. While you don't necessarily hear much about it, the Association for the History of Chiropractic (AHC) is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) membership organization committed to preserving and disseminating information on the history of the chiropractic profession. The AHC was founded at Spears Hospital in Denver in 1980 with a mission: to gather, preserve and disseminate the credible history of the chiropractic profession through the publication of factual scholarly papers pertaining to the profession. This mission is accomplished through the publication of the journal Chiropractic History and the oral presentation of factual aspects of chiropractic history at the association's annual convention, held in May of each year.

Fortunately for our profession, there are those who make chiropractic history their life's work. They are passionate about researching our history and publishing papers on specific people and events. They are the guardians, if you will, preserving a heritage that we continue to appreciate and learn from.

The benefits of AHC membership include:

  • A subscription to Chiropractic History
  • AHC's triannual newsletter, The Bulletin
  • Discounts on AHC-published books

But these are not the reasons to become a member. The reason I am a member is that I know we must claim our heritage and record what chiropractic has accomplished, lest another profession tries to supplant us. The reason to become a member is to support an organization dedicated to making the history of chiropractic known and available to future DCs. We need to share our rich history with the rest of the world and help them appreciate why we are so critical to the health of the world.

The cost of AHC membership is only $100 per year. While you may not benefit much personally, future chiropractic students and doctors will. And since the AHC is a nonprofit entity, donations and dues are reportedly tax deductible (please verify with your tax advisor).

So join me in becoming a part of our chiropractic history. Go to the AHC Web site today and become a member. Thank you.


  1. "End of an Era: FCER Decides on Self-Liquidation."

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October 2010
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