Headaches & Migraines

Headaches & Vitamin D

Donald M. Petersen Jr., BS, HCD(hc), FICC(h)

A group of case reports has shown a relationship between tension-type headaches, musculoskeletal pain and vitamin D. In these reports, patients with histories of episodic headaches, body pain and muscle weakness were found to also be deficient in vitamin D. Upon beginning a daily regimen of vitamin D and calcium supplementation, the headaches subsided in a few weeks, the body pain subsided in a few more weeks and the muscle strength increased over the course of the next few months.

In considering similar previous studies, the authors Sanjay Prakash, DM, and Nilima D. Shah, MD noted that "the associations of headache with musculoskeletal symptoms increased with increasing frequency of headache episodes."

This suggests that people with headaches should be quick to seek an examination by their doctor of chiropractic to see if the relationship is one that can be addressed by chiropractic care. While only a case study report, these results should be considered by health care providers and patients alike as they address headaches and body pain. The study is available thru medscape.com at www.medscape.com/viewarticle/711444.

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