Education & Seminars

Chiropractic Education: What About a College in Antarctica?

Donald Petersen Jr., BS, HCD(hc), FICC(h)

Given a few minutes, the majority of U.S. chiropractors can probably name most, if not all of the 18 chiropractic colleges in the United States. (How many can you name without cheating and looking at the list below?) With few exceptions, most of these colleges have been graduating new doctors of chiropractic for decades, if not longer:

  • Cleveland Chiropractic College - Kansas City, Kan.
  • Cleveland Chiropractic College - Los Angeles, Calif.
  • D'Youville College - Buffalo, N.Y.
  • Life Chiropractic College West - Hayward, Calif.
  • Life University - Marietta, Ga.
  • Logan College of Chiropractic - Chesterfield, Mo.
  • National University of Health Sciences - Lombard, Ill.
  • New York College of Chiropractic - Seneca Falls, N.Y.
  • Northwestern Health Sciences University - Bloomington, Minn.
  • Palmer College of Chiropractic - Davenport, Iowa
  • Palmer College of Chiropractic Florida - Port Orange, Fla.
  • Palmer College of Chiropractic West - San Jose, Calif.
  • Parker College of Chiropractic - Dallas, Texas
  • Sherman College of Straight Chiropractic - Spartanburg, S.C.
  • Southern California University of Health Sciences - Whittier, Calif.
  • Texas Chiropractic College - Pasadena, Texas
  • University of Bridgeport - Bridgeport, Conn.
  • Western States Chiropractic College - Portland, Ore.

But in the past 15 years or so, a move has been underway to bring chiropractic education to every part of the world. And while this is obviously an ongoing mission, you may be interested (and excited) to learn that there is now a chiropractic college on every continent except Antarctica. Here are the 14 countries currently hosting 22 chiropractic degree programs worldwide:

Australia (3)

  • Macquarie University - Sydney, NSW
  • RMIT University - Bundoora, Victoria
  • Murdoch University - Murdoch, Western Australia

Brazil (2)

  • Centro Universitario Feevale - Novo Hamburgo, RS
  • Universidade Anhembi Morumbi - Sao Paulo, SP

Canada (2)

  • Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College - Toronto, Ontario
  • Universite du Quebec a Trois-Rivieres - Trois-Rivieres, Quebec

Denmark (1)

  • University of Southern Denmark - Odense M

France (1)

  • Institut Franco-Europeen de Chiropratique - Ivry-Sur-Seine

Japan (2)

  • Tokyo College of Chiropractic - Tokyo
  • Murdoch University International Study Centre - Tokyo

Malaysia (1)

Mexico (1)

New Zealand (1)

  • New Zealand College of Chiropractic - Newmarket, Auckland

Republic of Korea (1)

  • Hanseo University - Seosan City, Chungcheongnam-do

South Africa (2)

  • University of Johannesburg - Doornfontein, JHB
  • Durban University of Technology - Durban, KwaZulu Natal

Spain (2)

  • Barcelona College of Chiropractic - Barcelona
  • Royal University Center Escorial - Maria Cristina - Madrid

Switzerland (1)

  • University of Zuerich - Zuerich

United Kingdom (2)

  • Anglo-European College of Chiropractic - Bournemouth, Dorset
  • University of Glamorgan - Pontypridd, Wales

Of these 14 countries, half already have more than one college teaching chiropractic. Needless to say, these chiropractic colleges outside the U.S. are making a tremendous impact on the chiropractic profession worldwide as well as here in the states. Our profession as a whole is being enriched by new research, ideas and opportunities. And remember, it's not just our profession that's benefiting; potential patients, health care practitioners and the health care community at large are being exposed to chiropractic on an increasing basis as these chiropractic colleges grow and more new DCs enter the marketplace in their respective countries.

Here's another benefit you might not have thought of: The very existence of these degree programs actually may help solidify chiropractic's standing as a legitimate health care profession, which could increase the chances for licensure and official recognition. This is particularly important because chiropractors still face major challenges in this regard in many countries around the world.

In short, while there are still many parts of the world where chiropractic has yet to gain much of a foothold (Russia,China, India, parts of the Middle East, parts of South America, and most of Africa) we are making tremendous progress. Who knows what the future holds for our profession on a global scale? Perhaps someday there will even be a chiropractic college on Antarctica.

February 2010
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