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DC PracticeINSIGHTS: A Forum for Success

Donald M. Petersen Jr., BS, HCD(hc), FICC(h)

It's amazing what happens when a group of people get together to focus on a common problem. As participants each contribute their ideas, the challenge becomes better defined. Ultimately, a synthesis of the best ideas emerges as the solution. This is precisely the concept behind our newest publication, Dynamic Chiropractic PracticeINSIGHTS.

Most of the challenges of practice are shared by the majority of doctors. But instead of being isolated, limited to your own solutions, you will soon be provided with a wealth of information from colleagues and experts. Every article in DC PracticeINSIGHTS is designed to address issues that are holding you back from having the practice you always intended and that you - and your patients - deserve.

Launching in January 2010, DC PracticeINSIGHTS is a print magazine and online information platform containing unbiased editorial content aimed at helping doctors of chiropractic make smart decisions that will help them grow and enhance their practices. It will contain ideas, tips, tools, how to's and information aimed at providing you with the best ideas for success from across the profession. In addition to special features, every issue of DC PracticeINSIGHTS will include the following:

  • Well-Done - Practicing DCs and key experts explain how to be successful with regard to specific aspects of operating your practice.

  • Ask the Experts - Leading authorities explain how to choose the best products and services for your practice.

  • Your Findings - A poll focusing on specific practice challenges; DCs share their opinions about what's working and what isn't.

  • Vantage Point - The results of profession-wide surveys give you insight about where our profession is going and what choices DCs are making to be more successful.

  • Solutions - DCs provide advice and share their own success secrets.

As you can see, much of the important information we will be sharing in the pages of DC PracticeINSIGHTS will come from you, the practicing doctor who faces many challenges and proves what works in actual practice with real patients. You may take some of your ideas for granted, but they could be the key to greater success for other DCs.

Needless to say, the more we all get involved, the better the ideas and solutions, and the more we can help each other be successful. And as your practice becomes more successful, chiropractic is better able to reach more people in need. I encourage you to get involved and participate in providing your ideas and opinions in our surveys (Vantage Point) and Solutions, you can do so electronically by providing your contact information to us. If you have some great ideas that you would like to share with the profession on specific challenges (including ways to overcome those challenges and in so doing, make practice more successful), please e-mail your ideas to

Please take the time to get involved. We need everyone's ideas to make our profession and each individual chiropractic practice as strong and successful as it can be. Thank you in advance for joining our forum for success.

DC PracticeINSIGHTS will be mailed to approximately 40,000 chiropractic offices in the United States monthly in print and is available to the entire profession online. You can subscribe to receive the print version through the mail at:

November 2009
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