Your Practice / Business

Information to Help Your Practice Grow

DC PracticeINSIGHTS coming in January 2010.
Editorial Staff

Every day, you make important decisions for your practice and your patients. What you offer to your community and how it is presented can have a substantial impact on your success. Where can you turn for reliable, unbiased information to help you choose and successfully market products and services? Look no further than DC PracticeINSIGHTS, a new monthly publication set to launch in January 2010.

DCPI will be mailed to approximately 40,000 chiropractic offices in the U.S. each month and will be available to the entire profession of 68,000 practicing DCs online. Each issue will focus on reliable information developed by our editorial staff. The publication format divides the content into five sections that reflect different areas of emphasis in your practice: Operate Your Practice, Equip Your Clinic, Support Your Patients, Master Your Skills, and Expand Your Care. In addition, each issue will feature material to educate and inform you and your staff from the following perspectives:

How to choose services and products for your practice: This feature, designed to assist doctors in making smart purchasing decisions, will be based on feedback from experts and vendors, compiled and presented by our editors.

How to successfully offer services and products to your patients: Based on information from practitioners and vendors about successfully marketing products and services, this feature will describe successful, proven approaches that will build loyalty and revenue.

Reader polls: A quick but powerful look at what readers are doing in their practices to better serve their patients while enhancing their revenue. These polls will include the opportunity for reader comments. Poll topic suggestions are encouraged.

Profession-wide survey results: Readers can find out what other doctors across the country are doing to enhance their practices. These survey results will educate readers about what's working today and what the newest trends are.

Reader talk back: Doctors will share their insights about what has worked for them in their practices, and what they are doing to be more effective. Readers are encouraged to share anecdotal information with their peers.

The cornerstone of this new publication is reliable information you can use to manage and grow your practice. Some of this information will come from industry experts, but much of it will come from practicing DCs. Ultimately, you and other doctors are the best equipped to testify as to what works and what doesn't.

Our most recent profession-wide survey suggests 55 percent of practicing DCs will be increasing the products and services they offer to patients, while another 42 percent will continue to offer the same products and services. Which ones will you choose to incorporate in your practice? DC PracticeINSIGHTS can help you make those important decisions.

If you would like to receive the print version of DCPI, you can register for a free subscription. Simply go to and complete the online form. And read the next issue of DC for your opportunity to provide information about your successes in patient referrals that we can share in the first issue of DCPI.

October 2009
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