While there may be no “magic bullet” when it comes to health, this should not dissuade patients or practitioners from seeking out ingredients that offer multiple health benefits. When it comes to dietary supplements, there are thousands upon thousands of choices. So, why not choose one that can address pain and assist with mental health? A supplement that can address inflammation, while also preventing certain types of cancer.
| Digital ExclusiveCan You Charge for Requests for Records?
Q: I am getting numerous requests for records from patients, attorneys and third parties. I believe I can charge for this, but how much can I charge and are there specific codes that must be used?
A: Requests for records may be made by the patient, insurance carriers, attorneys or others, as long as they have a written request and there is a proper HIPAA-compliant authorization for release of records signed by the patient or guardian. The exception to this requirement are records that are being subpoenaed, as they would not require a signed authorization by the patient. Such a request is a court order and supersedes a need for authorization.
Yes, the requested party may charge for the production of these records. In the past, providers would not have charged any fees when the requesting party was another doctor's office or the patient. This was done so as a courtesy to the patient or other health care provider. However, this has changed greatly in recent years, and providers are beginning to charge for the production of records.
Note that for years, Kaiser never charged a patient for a copy of their records, but now routinely does so. In my opinion, this makes sense since producing records is directly related to staff time, cost of copies and mailing costs.
Commonly, a billing code is not necessary and a simple itemized statement with the fee for copies is adequate for payment. However, should the requestor require or demand that a billing code be used, there are two HCPCS codes that describe the service:
- S9981: Medical records copying fee, administrative
- S9982: Medical records copying fee, per page
There are two codes because there are separate components to the services. The first is the administrative time, which may include locating, copying, mailing, etc.; the second is a per-page fee for the actual copies.
The fees for administrative and copying services do vary by state and locality. For instance, per California Evidence Code 1560-1567, there is an allowance of $24 per hour administrative and 10 cents per page. In Connecticut, under Title 20 20-7 c(b), the fee is 45 cents per page and is inclusive of administrative fees. Florida allows $1 per page for the first 25 pages and then 25 cents for each additional page. In Illinois, the administrative fee is $22.48 with the first 25 pages at 84 cents each, pages 26-50 at 56 cents each, and anything above 50 pages at 28 cents each.
To view the specific laws for your state regarding copying of medical record fees, go to the following Web site: www.lamblawoffice.com/medical-records-copying-charges.html, which lists all states in alphabetical order with citation of the specific law and the fees allowed.