In a landmark development, Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS) has reached a $2.8 billion settlement to resolve antitrust claims brought by health care providers, including chiropractors. The lawsuit accused BCBS of dividing the nation into exclusive regions and limiting competition, which resulted in lower reimbursements for providers. Although BCBS denies any wrongdoing, the company agreed to the settlement to avoid lengthy litigation – and you can get a piece of the pie.
Chiropractic Around the World: WFC Country Reports
Editor's note: The following reports are reprinted with permission from the World Federation of Chiropractic's latest Quarterly World Report. To view the complete report, visit
Brazil: This has been a dramatic year for chiropractors in Brazil, with physiotherapy authorities attempting to have Palmer Clinics Abroad members and Brazilian chiropractors arrested for the illegal practice of physiotherapy, and the Brazilian Chiropractors' Association (ABQ) successfully obtaining an injunction to stop PTs in the south of Brazil from offering long-weekend certificate courses in chiropractic technique. The ABQ advises that three recent attempts to have the injunction removed by PHYSION, the PT educational body wanting to resume the certificate courses, have been denied by the court. Lobbying in support of draft legislation to recognize and regulate the chiropractic profession, which has passed committee hearings but has not come forward for final vote, continues.
Canada: On Dec. 12, 2008, the Canadian Chiropractic Association announced that its program to establish chiropractic research chairs at leading universities in each of Canada's 10 provinces is to be showcased at a meeting partly funded by the federal government and held at a major university during 2009. This results from a successful application to the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) for funds for such a meeting, which will be titled "Workshop to Advance the Canadian Chiropractic Research Agenda." Delegates attending the WFC's 10th Biennial Congress in Montreal April 30 - May 2 will also have an opportunity to hear from most of Canada's research chairs in two sessions, during which they will provide 15-minute overviews of their work and its importance.
China: At a meeting of the Chiropractors' Association of China (CAC), held in Beijing Nov. 7, 2008, during the WHO Congress and Symposium on Manual Methods of Health Care, Dr. Anli Dong was confirmed as CAC president, and Dr. Roger Hinson as CAC secretary. An official WHO-approved translation into Chinese of the WHO Guidelines on Basic Training and Safetyin Chiropractic was distributed to members and to many Chinese officials at the WHO Congress. Thanks are due to many, but particularly to the Hong Kong Chiropractors' Association and Life University, for funding and other support for this translation project. Also released and shown was a five-minute video on chiropractic, produced for the WFC by Palmer College, but with dialogue in Mandarin. Drs. David Bellin and David Leung were appointed to plan a CAC seminar and member assembly to be held in Macao Oct. 15-18. Look for more news of that event in the months ahead. CAC Contacts: Dr. Anli Dong at and Dr. Roger Hinson at
Ireland: Ireland's most famous golfer, Padraig Harrington, has just been voted Golfer of the Year by his fellow golfers and peers on the PGA Tour. In 2008, he won two of the four majors, the British Open (defending his 2007 title) and the PGA Tournament. Harrington attributes much of his success to the fine support from his chiropractor Dr. Dale Richardson of Australia, who travels with him on tour. For an interview with Padraig Harrington and Dr. Richardson in the December issue of the FICS News, click on "Publications" at
Japan: Last November, WFC Secretary-General David Chapman-Smith traveled to Tokyo to meet with the Board of Directors of the Japanese Association of Chiropractors (JAC) and visit Japan's two international-level schools of chiropractic: the Tokyo College of Chiropractic (formerly the RMIT Japan Unit, but now independent from RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia) and the Murdoch University International Study Centre (affiliated with the Murdoch University School of Chiropractic in Perth, Australia). Both schools have adopted high standards in the face of opposition from lesser-quality schools in Japan and are seeking accreditation from the Australasian Chiropractic Council on Education. They deserve recognition and support from the profession worldwide for setting high standards in difficult financial times.
Poland: The Polish Chiropractors' Association, representing three pioneering chiropractors in Poland, have recently been admitted to membership in the European Chiropractors' Union. PCA President Dr. Leszek Majkowski, a Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College graduate, would like to hear from Polish nationals and others interested in future practice in Poland. Contact Dr. Majkowski at:
Serbia: Peter Dinich, DC, MD, of Belgrade, Serbia's only chiropractor, reports significant developments during 2008. Most important, chiropractic is now regulated by law, and Dr. Dinich has been appointed to a Ministry of Health Commission on Alternative Methods of Practice to advise the ministry of the issue of chiropractic licences and the development of chiropractic education. Dr. Dinich also has just completed a book in Serbian on chiropractic, to be published early in 2009. He is currently in conversations with his alma mater, Life University, and universities in Belgrade concerning the potential for chiropractic education in the country, which is well-positioned to serve all of the Eastern European block. Dr. Dinich would like to hear from anyone interested in practice or the development of the profession in Serbia, particularly those of Serbian background practicing in other jurisdictions. Contact him at
United Arab Emirates: The WFC Eastern Mediterranean Region 2009 meeting is being hosted by the UAE Chiropractors' Association (UAECA) and scheduled to be held in Dubai Feb. 27-28. The UAE, with Cyprus and Iran, is one of only three countries in the Middle East with legislation to regulate the practice of chiropractic. Many patients, and most of the 20 chiropractors in the UAE, are expatriates from Europe and North America. The president of the UAECA is South African Dr. Travis Mitchell, a graduate of the School of Chiropractic at the University of Johannesburg. Contact for UAE: Dr. Mitchell at Contact for Dubai meeting: Dr. Stathis Papadopoulos at