Because they have yet to pass national legislation protecting the chiropractic profession, Japanese DCs are in a similar situation that U.S. DCs faced. We were fortunate enough to be able to pass chiropractic licensure state by state. The DCs in Japan must accomplish this nationally, which has proved to be an extremely difficult task. And in spite of their efforts, Japanese DCs are currently faced with two chiropractic professions.
A Campaign for Progress
Campaign season is in full swing and I am sure each of you has been following the news and events leading to the 2008 U.S. presidential election. We have seen each party choose a candidate and move toward becoming a united front for their respective causes.
As a profession, it is imperative we follow such a model and join together as one united front for the cause of chiropractic. So much more can be accomplished when we are working together! The Foundation for Chiropractic Progress (FCP) works to generate positive press for chiropractic and works to its full potential only when we all act as contributors to this cause.
The Campaign Trail
We are having an extremely successful campaign. Remember that in 2007 alone, the efforts of the FCP generated more than a quarter of a billionpositive messages or the equivalent of 3.5 million dollars in free advertising. We are going to continue to build on the foundation's marketing and PR campaign with press releases, advertorials and public service announcements. We plan on expanding our public relations campaign to include television as a powerful medium to broaden the foundation's reach. Imagine how much more we can do as we continue to campaign for chiropractic
This fall, also look for a new advertisement featuring Richard Sarnat, MD, president of Alternative Medicine Integration, emphasizing the cost effectiveness of chiropractic care. This ad will appear in U.S. News & World Report and other prominent publications.
We also have been seeing the positive effects of the advertising campaign featuring medical doctors providing testimonials about the chiropractic profession. These advertisements have continued to run periodically in the weekend edition of USA Today. This campaign will expand in other areas including an increased number of press releases, advertorials and public service announcements, as well as television and radio spots.
Reaching Out With Our Own Book
An upcoming book authored by the FCP will carve out a new market niche for chiropractic: the greening of health care in America. Eco-friendly health care that is nontoxic for every American means less prescription drugs and fewer surgeries. These topics are pertinent to chiropractic and are another avenue to generate positive press opportunities.
In addition, the FCP is bringing the profession together through an Internet blog. On this blog, called "Chiropractic 2.0," chiropractors and those interested in chiropractic can exchange thoughts and ideas about the profession. The blog is currently operational; go to and post your thoughts. It's a great way to stay connected and promote unity among ourselves. The best way to get our message out there is to get all of our constituents involved in promoting the profession. One person alone cannot change the public perception of chiropractic; however, an effort by the entire profession will make a difference.Don't you think this sounds like a good way to create a positive change?
Make It Count
It is imperative that each chiropractor understands this national campaign touches their life personally. What the foundation is trying to accomplish is up close and personal to every DC in the country. Supporting the FCP is the same as supporting your own practice. The growth of the profession as a whole will create the same type of growth for the individual, and chiropractors worldwide will reap the benefit.
We Want Your Vote!
It's time for you to help design the future of the profession. When you donate to the FCP, you get 100 percent of the benefits while only paying a fraction of the overall cost. That means regardless of what you donate, it becomes worth millions of dollars in positive press for chiropractic. The more the profession grows, the more patients you see in your office, making the return on your investment unlimited.
Help unlock the best-kept secret in health care. I invite you to join the foundation and build on the positive press of this campaign. Every dollar received from vendors and doctors will go directly to the advertising/public relations campaign. If you wish to arrange an automatic monthly donation, please visit Contributions can also be mailed to the foundation directly.
Contact Information:
The Foundation for Chiropractic Progress
P.O. Box 560
Carmichael, CA 95609-0560