Being proactive vs. reactive with tax planning will have a tremendous impact on profitability and long-term wealth creation. Keep in mind, I am not a CPA and I am not giving tax advice. Rather, I’m passing on information that I learned as a practice owner and now implement in my financial planning practice. While not an exhaustive list, here are a few items to contemplate in 2025 as you watch the dollars in your practice.
“One More Association – Why Me?” Why Not You?
Many chiropractors have thought about getting more involved in public health. You might be one of them. Yet when it comes time to pull out the checkbook and join the pre-eminent public health professional association in the world, the American Public Health Association (APHA), you may hesitate and ask, "Why me? What does it matter if I join?
What do I get out of it? What benefit comes from joining one more association?"
Fortunately, there are answers to these questions! First, and very briefly, is the official answer: "The APHA offers its members and the public health profession information on the latest trends, research, legislation, advocacy and policy issues through multiple publications and periodicals; meetings; expert commentary; networking opportunities and awards" (see Now that the official answer is behind us, consider the fact that nearly 300 chiropractors are members of APHA, many renewing their membership year after year - some for more than 20 years! These chiropractors are among the thousands of APHA members receiving benefits of membership and contributing to policy representation within this influential organization. The members of the Chiropractic Health Care Section (CHC) of the APHA strongly believe there is a role for chiropractors on the national stage and in health care settings and communities everywhere.
Besides a strong belief that APHA makes a difference for the health of their patients, their communities, and their nations, chiropractic members of the APHA perceive personal benefits that bring them back for more, year after year. APHA-CHC members hope you'll join them. When these chiropractors asked themselves, "Why me?" this is what they discovered:
John Pammer, DC, DACBR: "Our membership in APHA serves as a reminder that we are mainstream and focus on the whole patient, and we put our money where our mouth is. This allows chiropractic to be seen on a national radar screen as concerned, empathetic providers who are interested and knowledgeable in other health care problems than just musculoskeletal."
Julie Johnson, DC: Dr. Johnson notes that chiropractic membership in APHA signals something meaningful to other health care providers: "We need to have a presence within the APHA and showing them our support through membership is one of the best ways we can do that. We give a lot of 'talk' to how we want the world to recognize what we do, but then do little to actually make that happen. Being a member shows other professions that we care and that we're here to stay."
Lisa Killinger, DC: "APHA is the best venue for involvement with other health professionals, for the good of the patients we serve. I like to know what's happening at the national level with health care policy. APHA is the source of much of that policy, so being a member of APHA puts my fingers squarely on the pulse of the nation's health. In APHA, I truly get to see the bigger picture of health care in America. This gives me ideas about helping chiropractic become a more integral part of the health care community." She further notes, "If you attend APHA national meetings, you have the chance to rub elbows with leaders, such as the Surgeon General, policy-makers, heads of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, etc. This is something very few chiropractors would have the opportunity to do otherwise."
Gerald Stevens, DC, MS, MPH: Involvement in APHA and public health "has had great benefits to enhance the quality of overall holistic care my patients receive. Evidence-based interventions are provided as needed to patients from credible governmental organizations. I have been able to partner with the American Diabetes Association, the American Heart Association and the American Cancer Society. Health promotion is a great way to promote your practice and chiropractic, and interact in the community."
Ron Kirk, DC: Dr. Kirk's feelings about membership in the APHA are shared by all APHA-CHC members: "I am a member of the American Public Association because I deeply believe that I have a responsibility to promote the public's health as a health care provider. APHA provides a great research and health promotion forum for fresh ideas and pragmatic approaches in an integrative setting. Come and join us in promoting the nation's health."
So, "Why me?" Why not you? If you are one of many chiropractors who have considered joining the APHA, there is no better time to join than right now. In August, the APHA will take its official membership census to determine if chiropractors retain their section charter, and what our budget and representation will be. Help the Chiropractic Health Care Section retain its presence within APHA by joining now. You will benefit. Your patients will benefit. And chiropractors everywhere will benefit with our strengthened presence within the APHA.
To join, visit, click on "Member Log In/Join," and you're on your way. Remember to select "Primary: Chiropractic Health Care" as your primary section affiliation. Please contact me (or any member of APHA-CHC) if you have any questions about the benefits of membership.
Come join!