Being proactive vs. reactive with tax planning will have a tremendous impact on profitability and long-term wealth creation. Keep in mind, I am not a CPA and I am not giving tax advice. Rather, I’m passing on information that I learned as a practice owner and now implement in my financial planning practice. While not an exhaustive list, here are a few items to contemplate in 2025 as you watch the dollars in your practice.
Focusing on Chiropractic Regulation: FCLB 2007 Conference
Submitted by the Federation of Chiropractic Licensing Boards
The Federation of Chiropractic Licensing Boards (FCLB) hosted its 81st Annual Educational Congress from May 2-6, 2007, in conjunction with the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners Annual Meeting. [Click for a complete review of the NBCE meeting.] Held at the Hyatt Regency at Union Station in St. Louis, the event highlighted the power of regulation in promoting ethical, patient-centered care.
"The ultimate aim of chiropractic care is patient wellness," said new FCLB President, Dr. Oliver "Bud" Smith Jr. "The purpose of regulation is patient protection. Effective regulation is always compatible with good chiropractic."
With attendees representing nearly all member boards in the United States and several from Canada, great strides were made in connecting resources and sharing solutions to common problems. "One of the major challenges facing boards today is communicating to our licensees appropriate boundaries for advertising," said Dr. Smith. Accordingly, this year's conference featured a workshop on "Evaluating Advertising Claims."
Other workshops included an overview of crafting regulatory language to address "Documentation and Recordkeeping Issues" in response to the recent U.S. Office of the Inspector General report, and a look at dealing with "Problem Board Members" and negotiating appropriate behavior boundaries, should problems arise.
This year's conference began with a welcome reception dedicated to the memory of Dr. Normand Danis, a Quebec regulator and chiropractor. FCLB Vice President, Dr. Daniel Saint-Germain, spoke a few words in honor of his close friend, reminding guests of the importance of dedication to public protection.
On Thursday, May 3, the educational portion of the conference opened with a welcome message from Dr. George Goodman, president of Logan College of Chiropractic.
Following the opening remarks, Dr. Marc Gamerman, president of the Maryland Board of Chiropractic Examiners, delivered his now-traditional focus presentation, this year titled "Character Counts." Dr. Gamerman raised concerns about boards' roles in assessing character fitness in licensees. Assuring ethical practitioners, he asserted, is central to boards' mission of public protection.
Presenting the 17th Annual Joseph Janse Lecture was Dr. Richard Cole, FCLB past president. Dr. Cole delivered an impassioned speech about servant leadership, warning that "[the trend toward individualism] along with a corresponding cultural shift ... has led to a crisis of ethics across all professions.
"True leadership is a servant action," he said. "Just like patient care, it involves setting aside your own needs and considering the needs of others." He concluded with a directive for member boards: "We must teach professionals what is expected of them in the way of ethics, morals, documentation, professional boundaries, and informed consent. Then we need to check to see if they are doing what we expect of them. We need to expect ... and inspect. Expect excellent healthcare ... and inspect to ensure that it's being delivered."
Other educational presentations included a look at several boards' roles in regulating chiropractic assistants and the corresponding regulatory language; a workshop updating board members on the active status and benefits of the PACE program; an investigation into making difficult disciplinary decisions; and a panel covering hot topics in education, including a look at innovative curricula and international equivalency.
Noted author and lecturer Dr. Terry Yochum delivered the keynote address, "Right Is Right - and Wrong Is Nobody," while closing remarks, "The Right Thing - For the Right Reasons," were offered by Dr. Louis Sportelli, president of NCMIC.
During Saturday's business meeting (May 5), members voted to increase dues in order to address current budget issues, and voted to approve the proposed conflict-of-interest statement.
Awards and Recognition
The federation honored the Florida Board of Chiropractic Medicine with the 2007 Outstanding Board Award. Citing the board's current initiatives in public outreach and information distribution, Dr. Weathersby congratulated board members for their hard work and pioneering efforts.
Special presidential recognition was awarded to Drs. Marc Gamerman (Md.), Denise Natale (Vt.), and Kirk Shilts (Mass.) for their dedication and outstanding committee contributions. Also recognized were Dr. Norman Ouzts (S.C.) for his tenure as an FCLB board member, and Ms. Beverley White (Ky.) on the eve of her retirement after 31 years as executive director of the Kentucky board.
The George R. Arvidson Award for Meritorious Service was presented to Dr. Wayne Wolfson (Fla.), FCLB past president, for his exceptional leadership and service to public protection.
Oliver "Bud" Smith Jr., DC (Texas) was elected president of the FCLB. Daniel Saint-Germain, DC (Quebec) was elected vice president. Lawrence O'Connor, DC (N.J.) was elected treasurer, and Joe Baker Jr. (Fla.) was re-elected executive fellow. District elections included Ali Jafari, DC (N.Y.) for District III; Denise Natale, DC (Vt.) as District III alternate; Farrel Grossman, DC (S.C.) for District V; and Valerie Hoffman, DC (Va.) as District V alternate.
Continuing on the board are N. Edwin Weathersby, DC (Ariz.) as immediate past president; Carol Davis, DC (Ark.), District I director; LeRoy Otto, DC (Minn.), District II director and executive board chair; Ron Tripp, DC (Okla.), District IV director; Lance Earhart, DC (Neb.), District I alternate director; Valorie Prahl, DC (Iowa), District II alternate director; and Lawrence Davis, DC (Nev.), District IV alternate director.
A complete agenda, list of faculty and many of the 2007 educational presentations are available on the federation's Web site at Next year's meeting is scheduled for April 30 - May 4, 2008, in Atlanta, Ga.