
Chiropractic on Cable: TLC Airs Episode on the "Holistic Baby"

Stephane Babcock

On a recent episode of The Learning Channel's original show "Bringing Home Baby," a chiropractic couple introduced many viewers not only to the idea of an at-home natural birth, but also to the concept of adjusting children, specifically infants. At the end of the episode, titled "Holistic Baby," Bryen Bell, DC, is shown giving his infant daughter, Mikayla, an adjustment while his wife, Alithea Corter, also a chiropractor, supports their baby on her chest. "Chiropractic adjustments is one of the greatest gifts you can give to your baby," said Dr. Bell during the episode. "What greater gift is health?"

Dr. Corter, who co-owns a practice with her husband in Beverly Hills, utilized chiropractic during the entire pregnancy, including after their daughter was born. "It's to make sure birth trauma didn't start something off the wrong way," she said in an interview with Dynamic Chiropractic. "Although the bones have not formed yet, you don't want them to form with a subluxation already happening."

The TLC episode focused on the first 36 hours after Mikayla was born. As the couple is introduced, Dr. Bell is shown adjusting his wife at home while she was pregnant. Mikayla's birth also began at home, away from the white walls and tiled floors of the couple's local hospital, with a water birth. "It's not for everyone," said Dr. Corter. "We don't feel birth is a medical necessity. It's natural; everyone [used to be] born from home. It's an option a lot of people don't know about.

"During the first week [after Mikayla] was born, she fed more on one side than the other. After two adjustments she was pretty even, and it's probably the way she was situated inside or when she was being delivered. We check her once a week, but we only adjust her if necessary. It's easier for us because she's always here with us. Normally, with our patients, we have them bring their infants in once a month, unless they've just started crawling or standing."

Dr. Corter is a member of the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association (ICPA), which provides education, training and support research on the use of chiropractic during pregnancy and childhood; she also is certified in the Webster technique, a chiropractic technique designed to relieve the effects of external forces on the developing fetus that could obstruct its normal movement. "I've taught my husband everything I know; that's why he was adjusting me," she said. "I didn't really have any back pain when I was pregnant or any swelling of the feet. People say it's normal; it's not normal, it's common.

Since the show aired, Drs. Bell and Corter, both graduates of Cleveland Chiropractic College Los Angeles, have experienced changes in both their personal and professional lives. "I was recently at a wedding and a woman and her husband recognized us from the show," said Dr. Corter. "Other chiropractors have e-mailed us thanking us for shedding a positive light on chiropractic. It's opened up communication with patients a lot. Our patients have become more open about talking about their families. Patients are making appointments for their newborns now and also referring [people] more, especially pregnant friends."

September 2006
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