In a landmark development, Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS) has reached a $2.8 billion settlement to resolve antitrust claims brought by health care providers, including chiropractors. The lawsuit accused BCBS of dividing the nation into exclusive regions and limiting competition, which resulted in lower reimbursements for providers. Although BCBS denies any wrongdoing, the company agreed to the settlement to avoid lengthy litigation – and you can get a piece of the pie.
United Behind a Common Goal
The chiropractic profession in the U.S. is plagued by its inability to unite behind any specific effort or agenda. We have at least two national associations and most of our states are cursed with at least two state associations. Many times, these multiple associations expend more effort fighting each other than chiropractic's real enemies.
In the past few years, several state associations have merged together for the benefit of the profession. The DCs in New Jersey and Colorado clearly have seen that the advantages of unity outweigh the disadvantages. The same is true for the Foundation for Chiropractic Progress' effort to initiate a nationwide marketing/PR campaign. Leaders and organizations from every sector of chiropractic are providing their support and endorsement. Here's what many of them have to say:
"This profession has long desired a public relations program. We believe the Foundation has a clear and comprehensive plan to educate the public regarding the benefits of chiropractic care, and I am pleased to endorse this effort."
- Dr John Maltby, president, ICA
"I support the Foundation for Chiropractic Progress. I have personally contributed to the cause. We as a profession must be responsible for educating the public about chiropractic. Please join me in support of this endeavor."
- Dr. Lewis J. Bazakos, ACA chairman
"ACA and its members have long recognized the need for a national public awareness campaign designed to educate the public to the benefits of chiropractic care, thereby bringing more patients into chiropractic offices to experience that care firsthand. The Foundation for Chiropractic Progress (FCP) has provided a forum for the profession to pool the necessary resources to launch a national PR and advertising campaign and has enlisted the expertise of outside public relations and marketing professionals. In order to ensure the campaign's success, the ACA urges its members and doctors of chiropractic across the country to join together in support of the F4CP and contribute financially to this important effort."
- Statement by the ACA Board of Governors
"I used to believe that if chiropractors served enough people, we would create a mass consciousness about the benefits of chiropractic and when we reached a certain level of mass conciseness, society would seek chiropractic care as a way to enhance their health and well being. Well, guess what folks, we have been doing what we have been doing for over 110 years, and to quote my son, it ain't working. At best, 10 percent of the population utilizes chiropractic care, and when they think about chiropractic, they think about neck and back pain.
The chiropractic profession, the individual practicing chiropractor, national and state organizations, our regulatory boards and agencies need to recognize that we now have the united public relations effort needed to compliment the miracles we see in chiropractic offices everyday. The Foundation for Chiropractic Progress has created a multi-year, multimedia plan designed to have people think differently about chiropractic and how their health can benefit from chiropractic care. The first ad campaign featuring Sarah Harding masterfully gets people to equate chiropractic care with increased performance. The F4CP has a game plan that will position doctors of chiropractic to help our sick and suffering society discover this truth. This is why I personally financially support the F4CP. The Congress of Chiropractic State Associations also supports the F4CP and urges all individuals and organizations to do the same. It takes all of us giving what we can! If every practicing doctor contributed one office visit per week we would be able to change how people think about chiropractic. To create the mass consciousness that chiropractic will enhance an individual's health and well being, it surely will take all of us!"
- Dr. Steve Simonetti, president,
Congress of Chiropractic State Associations (COCSA)"I am supporting the Foundation for Chiropractic Progress because I believe it is the right strategy, at the right time for the profession. The combination of people, perspectives, interests and hopes embraced by the Foundation are the most promising I have seen in the last 30 years. Being a part of this effort didn't take a second thought."
- Dr. Gerry Clum, president,
Life Chiropractic West; president, World Federation of Chiropractic"The vision is a campaign that can be realized with the enthusiastic support of doctors, students, colleges, associations and vendors who appreciate that by combining our resources, we will make a significant difference in the perception of our profession through a positive marketing effort. This campaign is long overdue and will grow in success with each person who makes the decision to shoulder the responsibility to tell the chiropractic story with a generous investment now and in the years to follow. In our over-medicated, overweight, highly stressed and out of adjustment society there is a great need for the chiropractic message in health care. If we don't tell it, who will?"
- Dr. J. Michael Flynn,
2nd vice president, World Federation of Chiropractic"The Foundation for Chiropractic Progress is exactly what the chiropractic profession needs. We now have a well-planned and consistent message to educate the public on the value of chiropractic care. Every chiropractor should support this effort. Its success will impact greatly the future growth of our practices and our profession. Join us in making it happen."
- Dr. Fabrizio Mancini, president, Parker College of Chiropractic
"I have always believed that a sustained, positive and comprehensive public relations campaign with a single message was needed for our beloved profession to survive and thrive. Our profession is unified in understanding that we must educate the public to the miracles of chiropractic. It took almost 110 years for this to be accomplished and I sincerely believe the Foundation for Chiropractic Progress has finally developed a campaign for which everyone in the profession can and should support. Our future depends on it. I am so proud to be a member of the Board of the Foundation and a supporter as well."
- Dr. Bob Hoffman, president, Masters Circle; past president, ICA
"Today's culture is refreshingly health conscious and ripe for promotion of health and wellness. There has never been a social climate more suited to the promotion of health and wellness - the very same concepts that doctors of chiropractic have promoted steadily, yet quietly, for more than 111 years. However, how can the public value chiropractic and be motivated to use us, if we have not effectively communicated who we are, what we can do for them and how we do it?
It is clearly time for us to stop whispering about the "best kept secret" in healing, wellness and prevention. The newly formed Foundation for Chiropractic Progress has the singular goal of increasing patient utilization of chiropractic services. I have made my personal contribution to support the initial phase of this campaign, and I encourage every doctor of chiropractic to consider funding this noble effort."
- Dr. Carl Cleveland III, president,
Cleveland College of Chiropractic (Los Angeles and Kansas City)"The success of Northwestern Health Sciences University is dependent on the success of the chiropractic profession. This donation is an example of our commitment and belief in the program."
- Dr. Mark Zeigler, president, Northwestern Health Sciences University
"The Foundation for Chiropractic Progress media campaign is both necessary and timely. I am very optimistic that its message will generate significant interest in chiropractic among prospective patients and students."
- Dr. Frank J. Nicchi, president, New York Chiropractic College
"In a time when: the pharmaceutical industry spends over $3 billion annually on direct-to-consumer advertising; the average American takes 12 prescriptions per year; Americans rank 29 out of 31 developed countries in most measures of health; one of every six dollars spent in America is spent on health care and that ratio rises every year; and our medical health care system has become the leading cause of death in America ... chiropractic is the best kept secret in health care today. The nation is crying out for change and relief from the high monetary and human cost of our health care system. The problem is our message isn't getting to the right people. The Foundation for Chiropractic Progress will help us solve that problem.
- Dr. Tom Klapp, past president of COCSA and current member of the executive committee of Life Chiropractic College
"Getting positive press for chiropractic will benefit doctors, patients and vendors. Be part of history - support the FCP."
- Kent Greenawalt, president, Foundation for Chiropractic Progress
After reading what the leaders in the chiropractic community have to say, I hope you will seriously consider supporting the Foundation for Chiropractic Progress.