News / Profession

Foundation Ad Campaign Goes National

Editorial Staff

The Foundation for Chiropractic Progress (F4CP), which began its advertising campaign in July with regional ads in four of the most widely read publications in the U.S., is now running national ads that will reach more than 12 million subscribers in the next five months. The advertisements, designed to emphasize the value of chiropractic to the public, will again feature outspoken chiropractic advocate Sarah Harding, Ms. Fitness USA 2006. The publication schedule for the national ad spots is as follows:

Publication Total Circulation Issue Date Date on Newsstands Editorial Focus
Newsweek 3.1 million Sept. 18, 2006 Sept. 11, 2007 Health for Life
Business Week 950,000 Oct. 16, 2006 Oct. 6, 2006 Focus on Retirement
U.S. News & World Report 2 million Nov. 6, 2006 Oct. 30, 2006 Best Health Plans
The New York Times Magazine 1.7 million Dec. 3, 2006 Dec. 3, 2006 Empowered Living
Health 1.475 million Jan/Feb 2007 Jan. 4, 2007 N/A
Newsweek 3.1 million Feb. 12, 2007 Feb. 5, 2007 N/A
Total Combined Circulation: 12.375 million

Previous advertisements have been seen on a regional basis by subscribers of Newsweek, Sports Illustrated, U.S. News & World Report, and USA Today. As reported previously, because the F4CP has been purchasing advertising space at a considerable discount, it has had little advance notice regarding which issue an ad runs in and what subscribers it reaches. For example, the ad appeared in the July 24, 2006 issue of Newsweek, which reached 967,000 subscribers in 13 states (California, Connecticut, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland, Montana, Nevada, New Jersey, Oregon and Washington); and in the July 31 issue, which reached 628,007 subscribers in the District of Columbia, San Francisco and New York. (Newsweek's total subscriber base is 3.1 million.)

To support the F4CP's ongoing media campaign for chiropractic, visit or send your contribution to:

Foundation for Chiropractic Progress
P.O. Box 12611
Roanoke, VA 24027-2611.

October 2006
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