News / Profession Passes 500,000 Unique Visits per Month!

Patient/Consumer E-Mail Newsletter Reaches 170,000 Subscribers
Editorial Staff

While provides news and information to doctors and students of chiropractic, the site also enjoys an increasing number of consumers seeking information about chiropractic. All told, in March 2006, ChiroWeb's traffic figures exceeded 500,000 unique visits.

With a total of 633,345 unique visits, ChiroWeb received almost 20,000 unique visits per day. This translates to nearly 20 million hits for March on almost 2 million page views. The average visitor spent just over five minutes learning about chiropractic.

In addition to this milestone, ChiroWeb's To Your Health consumer e-mail newsletter reached more than 170,000 subscribers. To Your Health is provided free of charge to interested consumers. It also is used by DCs to educate and inform their patients. (For more information on this patient education program, send an e-mail to

These figures point to increasing consumer interest in chiropractic. Your practice Web site may be the first point of contact for many potential patients.

July 2006
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