Because they have yet to pass national legislation protecting the chiropractic profession, Japanese DCs are in a similar situation that U.S. DCs faced. We were fortunate enough to be able to pass chiropractic licensure state by state. The DCs in Japan must accomplish this nationally, which has proved to be an extremely difficult task. And in spite of their efforts, Japanese DCs are currently faced with two chiropractic professions.
The Theme "Think Again - Think Chiropractic" Resonates With the Chiropractic Profession!
The past few months, I have had the pleasure of appearing before many doctors of chiropractic while attending numerous state association meetings and conferences. Our campaign to promote chiropractic has just begun and we have struck a positive chord with the many DCs who have heard our presentation. We plan to travel to as many states as possible in the next year, presenting our ambitious platform that will once and for all see the chiropractic profession achieve the recognition it so deserves. The theme we have developed in conjunction with our media firm, Clayton-Davis, whose home office is located in St. Louis, has been well-received. "Think Again - Think Chiropractic" is the main focus of our campaign, which we believe will enlighten the public about chiropractic care.
The Foundation for Chiropractic Progress will develop media spots to reach as many markets as possible, but of course, any campaign designed to reach millions of viewers will take a large sum of money to accomplish its goal.
The Campaign for Chiropractic Progress is an ambitious program that all doctors of chiropractic should consider joining. By contributing to the foundation, you will be doing something not only for yourself, but also for the profession. This unified effort will place the profession in the public's mind with professional advertisements and materials that will help the profession of chiropractic directly. It also will bring excellent health care to those who have yet to discover the value of visiting their chiropractor on a regular basis.
Please join the Campaign for Chiropractic and support your profession today. If we all do not get involved, we will never reach the large percentage of the public that has yet to learn about chiropractic.
Think about it, and then "Think Again - Think Chiropractic."
Your friend in chiropractic,
Gene G. Veno
President/CEO, Foundation for Chiropractic Progress
Author's note: For further information on the Foundation for Chiropractic Progress and its Campaign for Chiropractic, please contact me by e-mail at |