Being proactive vs. reactive with tax planning will have a tremendous impact on profitability and long-term wealth creation. Keep in mind, I am not a CPA and I am not giving tax advice. Rather, I’m passing on information that I learned as a practice owner and now implement in my financial planning practice. While not an exhaustive list, here are a few items to contemplate in 2025 as you watch the dollars in your practice.
COCSA 2004 - "Chiropractic and All That Jazz"
The Chiropractic Association of Louisiana hosted the 2004 meeting of the Congress of Chiropractic State Associations (COCSA) in New Orleans. Over 100 delegates from 45 state chiropractic associations attended the Nov. 10-14 meeting, participating in roundtable discussions and workshops aimed at improving operations and overall effectiveness.
The theme of this year's meeting was "Chiropractic and All That Jazz." Topics covered included: strategic planning and implementation, volunteer recruitment, membership development, public relations, media relations, chiropractic unity, and HIPAA. State leaders received updates from the American Chiropractic Association, the International Chiropractors Association, the Foundation for Chiropractic Education and Research, and the National Chiropractic Mutual Insurance Company; Foot Levelers President and CEO Kent Greenawalt also provided an update on the unified national PR campaign he is developing.
A highlight of the meeting was the official kickoff of "Straighten Up America," a spinal health program developed through a seed panel and Delphi panel review process that began in June 2004. The program is expected to be a primary initiative of COCSA in 2005.
Other new programs/developments announced included the addition of National PTA as a partner for the National Backpack Safety Program; the Association of Management Assistance Program (AMAP) to provide management and meeting services to state associations; and the Medical Referral System, an affinity program to educate medical professionals, business and industry leaders, legislators and patients about the benefits of chiropractic care.
COCSA members elected the following state association leaders to serve on the 2005 Board of Directors:
- President - Dr. Steve Simonetti (New York)
- 1st Vice President - Dr. Jerry DeGrado (Kansas)
- 2nd Vice President - Dr. Jeff Fedorko (Ohio)
- Treasurer - Dr. Walt Engle (Pennsylvania)
- Secretary - Dr. John Galbreath (Illinois)
- Past President - Dr. Kevin Donovan (Rhode Island)
- District 1 Director - Dr. Kate Rufalo (Pennsylvania)
- District 2 Director - Dr. Mark Limberg (Michigan)
- District 3 Director - Dr. Tim Chittom (Louisiana)
- District 4 Director - Dr. John Degrado (Kansas)
- District 5 Director - Dr. Kurt von Rice (Arizona)
The congress presented honorary memberships to Dr. Tom Klapp of Michigan and Mary Lou Garrett of Montana. Also recognized was Gene Veno, executive vice president of the Pennsylvania Chiropractic Association, who received a plaque from the National Chiropractic Legal Action Fund for coordinating the requests of the state associations that joined Pennsylvania in filing an amicus brief in support of the Trigon lawsuit.
The COCSA board also reaffirmed the resolution that was adopted in 2003, calling for FCLB not to proceed with the PACE program until concerns of state associations are met and the membership unanimously adopts a resolution supporting the appeal of the ACA in its lawsuit against HHS. The suit aims to ensure that chiropractic services in the Medicare program are delivered by doctors of chiropractic.
Several districts elected representatives to serve on the Council on Chiropractic Guidelines and Practice Parameters (CCGPP), which also met during the weekend. COCSA representatives to CCGPP for 2005 are:
- District 1 - Dr. Tom Augat, Maine Chiropractic Association
- District 2 - Dr. Ron Farabaugh, Ohio State Chiropractic Association
- District 3 - Dr. Jonathan Griffiths, Alabama State Chiropractic Association
- District 4 - Dr. Allen Unruh, South Dakota Chiropractors Association
- District 5 - Dr. Wayne Bennett, Arizona Association of Chiropractic
- At Large - Dr. Len Suiter, Missouri State Chiropractors Association
The 2005 meeting will be held Nov. 2-6 in San Francisco; the 2006 meeting is scheduled for Nov. 8-12 in Baltimore, Md. For more information on the meeting or on a specific COCSA program, visit