Being proactive vs. reactive with tax planning will have a tremendous impact on profitability and long-term wealth creation. Keep in mind, I am not a CPA and I am not giving tax advice. Rather, I’m passing on information that I learned as a practice owner and now implement in my financial planning practice. While not an exhaustive list, here are a few items to contemplate in 2025 as you watch the dollars in your practice.
Involvement Will Make the Difference - The Choice Is Yours
In A Tale of Two Cities, Charles Dickens wrote:
"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness.... in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only."
Could this be the current theme of our profession? How we've dealt with the trying times of the past, as well as how we'll choose to deal with the situations of the present, are crucial elements that will determine the future of our profession.
Are we willing to stand up and do what's right, and to make sacrifices if necessary, or will we just accept whatever fate may befall us? Are we willing to jump in and participate, and at least attempt to influence and manage the future of our great profession, or will we just stand by, do nothing, then whine and cry about how bad things are? Are we willing to make choices for the greater good and get involved, one doctor at a time, to build an arsenal that will protect our profession and all of us? Or will we succumb to the complacency of hiding in our everyday routines?
The time for decision is now! Is this the best of times, or the worst? Does the future look bright, or dim? Will we just stand by, or will we participate? Unity is not a task for one man, but must remain a focal theme for the masses across the spectrum of chiropractic. So, now we ask you, doctor, to make your choice. Will you turn your head the other way, or will you step up and join the revolution that can affect all of our lives?
Professional Unity Begins With the Choices of Individual Doctors
When it comes to your patients, you make choices daily. Do you only look at the volume of patients you see and the money to be made - or do you take on a higher purpose, to truly provide patient care and help patients lead healthier lives through a reformed paradigm of health?
In your community, you choose regularly whether you are an engaged and participating member of that community, or whether you simply show up for work each day. Are you:
- a member of your local chamber of commerce;
- involved with decisions made for your area schools;
- active as an area expert in your field;
- a member of any local group or organization outside chiropractic; or
- all of the above?
If not, start now! Growth on all levels begins through new relationships and a network of channels. The more lives you touch as individual doctors, the more exposure our profession gets as a whole.
Your relationship with your chiropractic alma mater also says a lot. Are you:
- actively referring your patients, or their children, to consider a chiropractic career;
- involved in your school's alumni association or recruiting efforts; and
- giving time or money back to help your college improve and grow?
Without strong chiropractic educational institutions, our profession lacks credibility and will ultimately disappear. Help them survive and grow stronger through your support.
How about your state or national associations? Are you a member? Do you get involved? Associations are active on the local, state, national and international levels - including positive efforts to change statutes, state laws and rules governing the practice of chiropractic. This type of legislative strength only comes through membership. Without members and support, these groups will not be able to continue to function. The entire profession is affected by the their actions - so get involved. Give your time, expertise and money to support their cause. They are watching your back!
How about the "Save Our Subluxation" (S.O.S) effort by the National Chiropractic Legal Action Fund? Have you donated? Do you realize what success in these arenas will mean to the profession?
Choose to Support Chiropractic Unity
The fighting and unrest within our own arena creates a weak and scattered perception about chiropractic to the very government we're trying to get research funds from; to the public we're trying to educate; and to the world we're trying to make healthier. This must change for chiropractic to survive.
Soon, there will be another great decision to make that will determine the fate and future of chiropractic; that can allow us to finally come together as a dignified and unified profession; and that will create a strong, singular voice to the world, by gathering the fragmented factions that currently exist, into a unified whole. I am personally spearheading this effort out of my passion and commitment to total chiropractic unity. Will you join us in your support of the Chiropractic Unity Public Relations Campaign? Our goals are simple, yet increasingly vital:
- to bring all chiropractic groups under one umbrella;
- to speak with one strong voice to the masses, rather than present chiropractic as fragmented factions;
- to earn our profession the respect and understanding that it deserves in the mainstream; and
- to educate the public about the benefits of chiropractic and channel more people into chiropractic offices.
We're working very hard behind the scenes to find and choose the right national public relations firm to handle this project. When we are ready, we'll ask for your support.
But don't wait! Get involved now with your community, your college, your state associations and the profession. The more of us who come together to help each other and get involved, the more success we can generate for the future.
Kent S. Greenawalt
Roanoke, Virginia