Because they have yet to pass national legislation protecting the chiropractic profession, Japanese DCs are in a similar situation that U.S. DCs faced. We were fortunate enough to be able to pass chiropractic licensure state by state. The DCs in Japan must accomplish this nationally, which has proved to be an extremely difficult task. And in spite of their efforts, Japanese DCs are currently faced with two chiropractic professions.
The Foundation for Chiropractic Research and Education (FCER)
A WIN-WIN-WIN opportunity; your profession, your patients, and your practice will benefit! That's how the Foundation for Chiropractic Education and Research (FCER) has promoted its successful Patient Appreciation Day Program (PADP). In the four months since it was introduced, the PADP has proven to be a win-win-win opportunity -- and more.
Doctors who participate in the PADP donate their services for one day in exchange for patient contributions to FCER. These donations help support important education and research programs that will benefit the profession for many years to come.
More than 150 doctors have already made the commitment to hold PADs to support FCER's programs. Requests for information about Patient Appreciation Day have come from across the country and as far away as Australia.
FCER estimates that more than 1,700 patients have benefitted from needed chiropractic care through the Patient Appreciation Day Program. Many of these are new patients who might never have learned of the health care advantages of chiropractic if it weren't for this important program. Participating doctors were also able to thank their current patients who already know the advantages of chiropractic care.
ACA Chairman of the Board, Dr. David Redding of Danville, New York, found that his PAD increased community awareness of the chiropractic profession. This was Dr. Redding's third and most successful Patient Appreciation Day; the first two were held for popular local charities.
"The results of our FCER Patient Appreciation Day answers two questions that I had," said Dr. Redding, "Will your patients support a chiropractic cause as well as they will support a local charity? Yes! Can you have two successful PADs in one year? Yes!"
Dr. Redding also uses PADs to create good will among patients and office staff. "Our staff looks forward to these Patient Appreciation Days," he said, "We start our day with a breakfast before the patients arrive, have cookies and apples for the patients, and then I take the staff to dinner immediately following." Dr. Redding plans to have a second FCER Patient Appreciation Day in May, Good Posture Month.
Patient Appreciation Day builds energy, according to Dr. Mary Schmidt, of Ralston, Nebraska. "I think everyone should do it. It's a real energizer for the doctors and the profession. The staff gets excited and the patients get excited."
For Dr. Gary B. Morgan, of Milford, Delaware, the PAD was an opportunity to make a positive contribution to the chiropractic profession directly through FCER and to promote the profession in a positive light.
Dr. Morgan almost had to postpone his Patient Appreciation Day because of the birth of his first child, Kellie Brooke Morgan. The day after his daughter's birth, a very tired but ecstatic Dr. Morgan treated 38 patients. Some of these patients had to be scheduled on the next day because the doctor was booked up.
"I like FCER programs -- they do some of the best research for chiropractic. FCER is a worthwhile organization that benefits chiropractic directly. I think FCER is on target with putting the money to good use," he said.
Dr. Morgan encouraged other chiropractors to become part of the Patient Appreciation Day Program. "Do it and do it soon!" he stresses, "Too few of the people are doing too much of the work and this is a good way to get involved in chiropractic."
Doctors who are interested in participating in this program are urged to contact FCER at 1701 Clarendon Blvd., Arlington, Virginia 22209-2723, or call (800) 637-6244 or (703) 276-7445. FCER will provide a kit that will help to organize, plan, and promote a successful Patient Appreciation Day.