Being proactive vs. reactive with tax planning will have a tremendous impact on profitability and long-term wealth creation. Keep in mind, I am not a CPA and I am not giving tax advice. Rather, I’m passing on information that I learned as a practice owner and now implement in my financial planning practice. While not an exhaustive list, here are a few items to contemplate in 2025 as you watch the dollars in your practice.
"Your Health Connection" Hosted by Gaila May-Mackenzie
Quite often there are doctors of chiropractic who do something exciting and innovative outside of their practice that benefits the profession as well as the public.
Gaila May-Mackenzie, D.C. is one of these doctors. In addition to her practice, she is the hostess of a weekly radio talk show in San Diego called "Your Health Connection." The goal of this show is to educate the audience in the field of natural health care and to open doors for them.
Recently, Dr. Mackenzie agreed to an interview with DC in which she shares her experience about how she merged her chiropractic career with that of being a well-respected radio personality.
DC: Dr. MacKenzie, it is our understanding that you are the hostess of a weekly chiropractic radio talk show in San Diego, California. Could you tell us a little bit about yourself and how this opportunity came about?
Dr. Mackenzie: I graduated from Los Angeles College of Chiropractic in April 1982 and finished an M.S. program in biology/clinical nutrition from the University of Bridgeport, Connecticut that same year.
Outside of practicing in Paris, France from 1983-1985, I've practiced chiropractic and clinical nutrition in Southern California since 1982.
In May, 1987 I was asked by a nutritionist in San Diego if I'd like to be a sponsor for his weekly radio talk show. My husband, Dan, who is a business consultant, thought that this was a great idea, and as a result of becoming a sponsor, I was invited to be a guest on this radio talk show.
I found the experience to be a lot of fun and my practice boomed with new patients in the weeks following the show.
DC: And how long have you been doing "Your Health Connection?"
Dr. Mackenzie: My husband and I decided to create the show "Your Health Connection" in June, 1988. It is aired live every Saturday morning from 11 a.m. until 12 p.m. on KCEO in San Diego, California.
I begin the show with a discussion of a particular health topic and then we open up the phone lines for questions. We usually receive between 10-20 calls each week.
DC: Did you encounter any resistance in the beginning?
Dr. Mackenzie: No. We didn't receive any resistance at all. On the contrary, we received a great deal of support.
DC: Do you remember any significant obstacles or difficult situations in particular that you had to overcome?
Dr. Mackenzie: The main obstacle that I had to overcome was a fear of being attacked by the pharmaceutical/medical profession for informing the public about alternatives to drugs and surgery. I am quite outspoken in these areas.
I've only encountered one situation in the past two years in which an MD tried to discredit me and I didn't find it difficult to effectively respond to his antagonism.
DC: Dr. MacKenzie, what sort of topics and guests do you have on your show?
Dr. Mackenzie: Topics that I've covered have included: headaches, allergies, blood sugar problems, menopausal problems, depression, digestion, male health, alternatives to prescription drugs, fatigue, bone health, weight problems, and skin care.
I've interviewed Dr. William Crook, author of The Yeast Connection and other health books; Dr. Jeffrey Bland, researcher, author and developer of the Ultrabalance weight-loss program; Mr. Dennis Clark, president of Citizen's Commission on Human Rights, an organization that fights against the drugging of children with Ritalin and Cylert; and prominent author, Dr. Vincent Pacetti.
DC: What have been your observations in terms of the impact of "Your Health Connection" for you as a DC personally, for your community, and chiropractic in general?
Dr. Mackenzie: Hosting "Your Health Connection" has increased my self-esteem, self-confidence, kept my practice booming, and has been very enjoyable -- I love to help others. I was given the 1989 "Outstanding Community Service Award" by the San Diego Chiropractic Society for contributing the most for chiropractic public relations in San Diego.
DC: Looking forward, what new goals or aspirations do you have for the future?
Dr. Mackenzie: I recently finished writing a book for children and adults which outlines the impact that diet and good nutrition has on health. This book should be published and available by July, 1990.
I will be piloting a TV version of "Your Health Connection" beginning in August 1990. This will be a weekly half-hour talk show about health.
DC: One last question, Dr. MacKenzie. If a DC wanted to launch a similar program in his city or town, what advice would you offer?
Dr. Mackenzie: It's quite easy to start your own radio talk show; just contact a talk radio station in your city and get some sponsors to help with it.
There is an increasing awareness in the value of natural health care. With this awareness has come a thirst for knowledge.
Chiropractic and a health-focused program are a part of the current interests of the population. The idea can actually sell itself to a sponsor, and what is more, listeners improve their health by using the information they receive from the show.