In a landmark development, Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS) has reached a $2.8 billion settlement to resolve antitrust claims brought by health care providers, including chiropractors. The lawsuit accused BCBS of dividing the nation into exclusive regions and limiting competition, which resulted in lower reimbursements for providers. Although BCBS denies any wrongdoing, the company agreed to the settlement to avoid lengthy litigation – and you can get a piece of the pie.
Are You As Proficient As You Want To Be In The Diagnosis And Treatment of Soft Tissue Lesions?
Chiropractic's methods of examining and treating the spine certainly eliminate an important source of aberrant neural stimulation to outlying soft tissue, but, as a profession, we must also concentrate directly on the local area of involvement. For it is the local involvement -- be it the shoulder, elbow, wrist, hip, knee, or foot- that is more often the primary source of the pain than the spine. While many in the profession have come to understand this concept, our skills in the diagnosis and treatment of these soft tissue lesions can be improved.
Our examination and treatment of a soft tissue lesion should be as specific as our examination and treatment of the spine. We should examine the tissue to determine whether the inert or contractile tissues are involved; is it a ligament, muscle, tendon, capsule or bursa? We similarly should use a specific technique to treat the involved tissue. Finally, we should have a method to immediately re-test and evaluate the results of our treatment. For instance, in dealing with a rotatory cuff tendinitis, even a combination of physical therapy and exercise is not adequate. We should be able to determine specifically which tendon causes the pain -- was it supraspinatus, intraspinatus, or subscapularis? And you should be able to manually treat the specific lesioned tendon. A diagnosis of rotatory cuff tendinitis without mentioning the specific tendon is a vague a diagnosis as "rheumatism."
What if this happened to you: Patient John Doe has pain at the deltoid tubercle. Examination reveals a painful arc in abduction at 70 degrees in the scapular plane. Passive range of motion in other directions are free and painless. Resisted shoulder abduction and medial rotation are painful.
Completion of MPI's Soft Tissue course with Dr. Hammer will enable you to realize that the above findings refer to a diagnosis of subscapulartendinitis which can be routinely cured by accurate friction massage. The course also includes diagnosis and treatment of the elbow, wrist, hand, hip, knee, thigh, leg and foot.
Dr. Hammer has spent 30 years as a doctor of chiropractic, and throughout, has sought to improve and excel in his profession, ultimately immersing himself in soft-tissue research in recent years. The outcome of that research has resulted in the development of his findings into a 12-hour Soft-Tissue course that is offered to doctors of chiropractic who are challenged and interested in refining their diagnostic and treatment skills in soft tissue and extremity pain.
Years ago, Dr. James Cyriax, a British orthopaedic surgeon and other developed effective diagnostic and therapeutic methods of soft tissue treatment based on the use of manual methods. Dr. Hammer's research along with these techniques, adapted for the chiropractor, form the nucleus of MPI's Soft-Tissue course. The course manual is 65 pages of practical information and references on the extremities that will help you get more of your patients well on Monday morning.
This May 31-June 7, Dr. Hammer's dynamic Soft-Tissue course is headed for the northern tip of the American continent that we call Alaska. He will conduct his seminar aboard a luxury cruise liner which will transport its passengers from Vancouver to Anchorage along the famous 1,000 mile "inside" passage.
Registrants will experience not only a new kind of confidence in treating soft tissue injuries under the guidance and tutelage of Dr. Hammer's expert instruction but, they will experience another kind of rejuvenation as they discover of one of the world's most scenic and spell-binding stretches of land and seascapes.
Access territory, both wild and beautiful, from the vantage point of a luxury cruise ship where special attention to comfort and detail, with the conveniences of modern technology, are all a part of the crew's daily priority.
Don't let a fabulous opportunity like this pass you by.
The Chiropractic Travel Desk will be happy to send you a package of prices and travel details on this exciting Alaskan cruise. All you need to do is call 1-800-345-8785. Prices from $1,257 per person, plus air, and MPI's current registration fee will apply. The Chiropractic Travel Desk has arranged for special reduced air fares with possible free air travel from certain cities, but special restrictions apply.
Cost of seminar registration for the Soft Tissue seminar is $295 for first-time doctors doctors or $115 for 2nd or 3rd time. You may register by mail, using the coupon on page fifteen, or you may charge it to your Visa or Mastercard when you call the Chiropractic Travel Desk's "800" number. The number to call for seminar registration is 1-800-345-8785.
This seminar is being sponsored by Cleveland Chiropractic College in Los Angeles, who have already applied for license renewal credit for this course (worth 12 hours).
Call today and let the Chiropractic Travel Desk help you start your plans to be a part of this very special seminar-cruise.