While there may be no “magic bullet” when it comes to health, this should not dissuade patients or practitioners from seeking out ingredients that offer multiple health benefits. When it comes to dietary supplements, there are thousands upon thousands of choices. So, why not choose one that can address pain and assist with mental health? A supplement that can address inflammation, while also preventing certain types of cancer.
| Digital ExclusiveCleveland Chiropractic College News
Mayor Bradley Honors CCC Graduates
The August 3, 1991 graduating class of the Cleveland College of Chiropractic (CCC) received a special commendation from Mayor Tom Bradley. Richard Zaldivar, a chiropractic patient at the Cleveland College clinic who has worked in city and county government for years, made the presentation of the commendation. A proclamation from Supervisor Michael D. Antonovich, chairman of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Los Angeles, was also presented honoring the college for 83 years of continuing operation in the State of California.
Dr. Guy F. Riekeman, co-founder of the Quest Alliance, gave the Commencement Address and Dr. Kay Marine, a Los Angeles practitioner, gave the Welcome Address to the celebrants, with Dr. Carl S. Cleveland, Jr. officiating.
The valedictorians were Jacqueline Etessami-Azam and Tana Sue Hudak Starr.
CCC Graduates Involved with Barcelona Olympics
Drs. Luis Ocon and Gregory Meissner, both recent graduates of the CCC, recently traveled to Nicargua at the invitation of Colonel Emmet Lange, president of the Nicarguan Olympic Committee, and Dr. Ernesto Salmeron, minister of Nicaraguan Health Services. Drs. Ocon and Meissner toured hospitals, counseling young people on ways to prevent athletic injury, and worked with the athletic teams slated to participate in the Barcelona Olympics.
CCC Dean Elected to CCR Office
At the recent Consortium for Chiropractic Research (CCR) meeting in Monterey, CCC Dean Dr. Grace E. Jacobs was elected to the office of secretary. Dr. Jacobs has been involved in chiropractic research for many years and was the author of two of the earliest designed studies published in JMPT.
Abco X-Ray Donates Equipment
Dr. Michael Birozy, director of clinics, announced that Abco X-Ray recently donated a complete set of "state of the art" x-ray equipment to CCC. The Universal-Gendex MP300 unit is a high frequency generator that can reduce the radiation dose fifty percent, without any help from rare earth speed film-screen system. The four-way float top x-ray table also carries elevation capability, which helps with transportation of patients in acute pain or distress. The complete set of equipment is worth over $32,000.