Because they have yet to pass national legislation protecting the chiropractic profession, Japanese DCs are in a similar situation that U.S. DCs faced. We were fortunate enough to be able to pass chiropractic licensure state by state. The DCs in Japan must accomplish this nationally, which has proved to be an extremely difficult task. And in spite of their efforts, Japanese DCs are currently faced with two chiropractic professions.
The Homeopathic Approach to Myalgic Encephalomyelitis
This syndrome is known as myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) in Great Britain and Australia, and epidemic neuromyasthenia (EN) in the United states, and seems to be approaching epidemic proportions in this decade.
The syndrome leaves a clinical feature of fatigue and a degree of physical incapacity, and is often termed chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). The symptoms usually last from two to six years.
ME and the Aftermath:
When no medical explanation is afforded for a baffling situation, it is usually thrown into the "too hard" basket. The symptoms afforded by the ME patient present the following picture: usually they have suffered from a viral infection of an upper respiratory tract nature, followed by acute vertigo or gastrointestinal upset with persistent malaise and extreme fatigability.
Examination reveals muscular weakness with fasciculation, areas of hypo- or hyperesthesia, palpable cervical lymph nodes, an infected pharynx, orthostatic tachycardia, cold extremities, pallor, bladder disturbance, and hyperacusis. Often hypoglycemia is featured. Psychological symptoms include hysteria, sleep disturbances, and suicide.
Current treatment involves steroids, antivirals, sulphasalazine, and physiotherapy, all of which appear to produce no particular benefits for the patients.
The Homeopathic Approach
Predisposing weakness of the immune system is affected fundamentally by the miasmatic theory of Samuel Hahnemann and may be described as follows:
Psora -- Hereditary influence
Syphilis -- Infectious disease
Sycosis -- Drug treatment and vaccination
The term immune mechanism or defense system, is to a large extent dependent upon the condition and function of the red blood cells. The integrity of the red blood cells is relative to the percentage of the vital force available to the organism. The vital force represents the core function of the human dynamo. It is seen that the energy field of the human body attains a higher degree of density in the outer layers. The outer layers are seen as the physical body, whereas, those closer to the central core are the mental and emotional fields.
The unrestricted flow from the central core is basic for the function of the total organism. We may understand this more clearly by observing the general symptomatology of the ME symptoms, which are the result of the disruption to the flow of the vital force.
Generally, ME does not always follow on from a viral infection; this usually involves a "specific" type of patient, who exhibits a history of physical, emotional or mental stress. Generally, they are termed "workaholics."
The total patient picture indicates an alteration to the general energy flow of the individual. Clinically speaking, this appears to be the accepted diagnostic procedure for ME sufferers.
The measurement of the altered energy pattern is essential for the homeopathic management of these cases. When we observe these patients, we begin to understand the involvement of particular glands and organ systems that are affected and producing the symptom pattern.
Ionic therapy is the homeopathic study of the actual energy flow within the human system, or more directly, the altered flow of energy itself.
Several case histories were tested with the ionic therapy method on patients who were medically diagnosed as suffering from ME. In all, we tested eight different patients of varying age and sex. The tests did not indicate a specific pattern for ME as the symptoms vary from case to case. Thus, this syndrome relates well to the homeopathic method of treatment. It is a known fact, homeopathically speaking, that no two individuals suffer from the same symptoms, as the blockage to the vital force is never the same.
The test results indicated that each patient displayed a basic "personal" causation. It is incorrect procedure to label diseases because of a few common symptoms. The use of the word "syndrome" alleviates the necessity to treat the individual, rather, it is easier to treat a named collection of symptoms.
In all cases reviewed, we found a common denominator; that is, the major stressed areas in the body were the pancreas, spleen, lymph, thyroid, intestines, and liver, with particular emphasis on the liver.
The muscular weakness is not a weakness, rather, the muscles are underenergised. Weak muscles usually show wasting, which is not the case with ME. The flow of lymph requires muscular contraction and relaxation. The stasis involved in these cases slows the lymphatic circulation.
All cases did show a basic immune deficiency caused by the movement away from normal function of a slightly acid system to an alkaline environment. In one of the patients, there was an indication of deepening degeneration as she was moving toward a state of acidosis.
The homeopathic treatment achieved varying changes in all cases in a positive manner. The homeopathic treatment was aligned to dietary changes for each individual patient. All treatment was directed toward the restoration of liver function. We sought to balance the pH of the digestive tract, and initiated measures to eliminate the toxic wastes that had built up in the organs of elimination.
Natural therapy always requires and insists on the personal involvement and effort by the patient. We have for too long allowed the patient to be dependent on the doctor. Often this has resulted in a lack of healing taking place. It has led to doctor shopping by the patient; they look for the doctor that will play their game. The motto of the healing professional should be "No effort -- No gain."
There is no doubt that you see many patients who present the symptom pattern of ME. They are either unaware of it, or they know all about it, and tell you so. Chiropractic treatment is invaluable in their restoration process. However, I have not yet seen, in a case of ME, total improvement without the use of homeopathic procedures. These measures, in many instances, create a quick and permanent change. We owe humanity the need to treat the whole person.
Theodore Douglas Jesse, D.C., D. Hom.
Ronkonkoma, New York
Editor's Note:
This column is open to any conributor who may wish to share his unusual case histories or experiences in utilizing homeopathic therapies.