When sports chiropractors first appeared at the Olympic Games in the 1980s, it was alongside individual athletes who had experienced the benefits of chiropractic care in their training and recovery processes at home. Fast forward to Paris 2024, where chiropractic care was available in the polyclinic for all athletes, and the attitude has now evolved to recognize that “every athlete deserves access to sports chiropractic."
Chiropractic Promoted at European Student Fair
The Belgian Chiropractic Association, a member of the European Chiropractors' Union, once again participated in the European Student Fair held in Brussels March 19-23.
The student fair attracted 116,952 visitors, mainly high school students, who viewed exhibits from 656 institutions of higher education, 210 Belgian and 446 from the European community.
The goal of the Belgian Chiropractic Association was to attract prospective chiropractic students, and to promote awareness and acceptance of chiropractic education among the other institutions represented.
The quality and homogeneity of chiropractic colleges throughout the world has played and is still playing an important role in our daily battle to maintain and improve acceptance and recognition of chiropractic. People need to hear, especially in Europe, that the roots of chiropractic, the chiropractic colleges, are alive and well.
The Brussels Student Fair was an excellent opportunity to develop university contacts and relations and to keep current on changes in higher education.
We hope our time and effort spent at the annual fair to promote chiropractic will reap benefits for the profession in the the years to come. We must be persistent.
J.T.A. Duhameeuw, D.C.
Chairman of Student Affairs
Association Belge des Chiropractors
Belgische Vereniging van Chiropractors