Being proactive vs. reactive with tax planning will have a tremendous impact on profitability and long-term wealth creation. Keep in mind, I am not a CPA and I am not giving tax advice. Rather, I’m passing on information that I learned as a practice owner and now implement in my financial planning practice. While not an exhaustive list, here are a few items to contemplate in 2025 as you watch the dollars in your practice.
California College News
Students at Legislative Conference
Members of the California Chiropractic Association (CCA) recently attended the California Legislative Conference, held April 30th in Sacramento at the Capitol Plaza Hall near the State Capitol. The CCA's local societies invited chiropractic student members of the SCCA to participate.
Students attending were Greg Sabol, SCCA president; Cameron Branstrom, SCCA vice president; Craig "Zig" Werner, SCCA secretary; and Gail Wildau, SCCA Treasurer. All four are students at Cleveland Chiropractic College Los Angeles (CCCLA). The local societies sponsoring these students were L.A. Metro, Verdugo Hills, and Santa Monica.
SCCA President Greg Sabol said, "It is very important for students to get involved as early as possible. The additional learning experience teaches you how to be informed, who to talk to and what to do about it if you don't agree about some aspect of legislation. We must stay involved after graduation to further our profession."
In the past CCCLA students were unable to participate because the conference was held during finals week; this year the conference was scheduled during the first week of the new trimester.
Palmer West Awards Grants
Palmer College of Chiropractic West recently presented awards totaling $13,350 to support 15 projects approved for funding as part of the college's 1991 faculty "mini-grants" for instructional development.
Mini-grant recipients had until June 1 to initiate their project, and each must be completed in three months. The project director(s) will then have one month to submit an evaluation and status report to mini-grant coordinator Megan Hodgson, D.C., who will monitor the progress of each project. Projects which are engaged in ongoing development will be eligible to reapply for an extension of funding in October. All awards for this round are contingent upon completion of mini-grants from last year.
Among the 15 projects are:
- Case Study Library. Project directors: Dr. Dominick Scuderi and Dr. Thomas Souza.
- Development of an Algorithm for the Case-Management of Back Pain. Project director: Dr. William Meeker.
- Database Development of Educational Lectures and Visual Aids. Project director: Dr. Robert Cook.
- Computer-based Self-instruction Database Development in Physiology. Project director: Dr. Arlene Luckock.
- Photography of Anatomical Specimens. Project director: Dr. Gerald Waagen.
- Renovation of Dissection Lab Classroom. Project director: Dr. Richard Evans.
The division of research at Palmer West also announced that grants have been awarded to the following research projects:
- A Randomized Clinical Trial Comparing Chiropractic and Conservative Medical Treatment for Industrial Injuries to the Lower Back. Co-Principal investigators: Dr. William Meeker, Dr. Robert Mootz, and Dr. Tilden Sokoloff.
- American Chiropractors' Attitudes Toward the Development of Practice Standards. Principal investigator: Dr. Robert Jansen.
- What Works for What? A Review of Spinal Manipulative Therapies. Principal investigator: Dr. Joseph Keating.