In a landmark development, Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS) has reached a $2.8 billion settlement to resolve antitrust claims brought by health care providers, including chiropractors. The lawsuit accused BCBS of dividing the nation into exclusive regions and limiting competition, which resulted in lower reimbursements for providers. Although BCBS denies any wrongdoing, the company agreed to the settlement to avoid lengthy litigation – and you can get a piece of the pie.
DCs At Washington Legislative Conference
Over 60 Washington state legislators and more than 150 chiropractors attended the Fifth Annual Chiropractic Legislative Conference in Olympia, Washington recently. The chiropractors had an opportunity to brief their legislators on key bills presented by the profession involving scope of practice, peer review, inclusion in workers' compensation, x-ray technician training, and insurance equality. Dr. Chester Wilk was the keynote speaker. This annual luncheon consistently attracts over one-third of the Washington state legislators.
AMA Expects Financial Loss -- Wilk et al. Cited
The American Medical Association (AMA) reported that it expects to post a $10.3 million loss for 1990. The AMA attributes some $6.6 million of the loss to two unbudgeted non-operating transactions: back taxes owed to the Internal Revenue Service, and legal fees for the settlement of Wilk et al. The association had counted on a membership increase of 8,900 to help support its $180 million budget, but says it fell well short of that goal. Overall, approximately $2.1 million in projected revenue from dues failed to materialize.
DC Works With Cycling Team
Philip Maffetone, D.C., who has treated and trained athletes from around the world, recently set up a "mini clinic" for the International Motorola Cycling Team. Also involved were Massimo Testa, an Italian MD who is well-known in sports medicine throughout Europe, and Olympic gold medalist Eric Heiden, a team consultant. Dr. Maffetone and Dr. Testa evaluated and treated 15 cyclists, focusing on training, diet, and nutritional supplementation. Motorola cyclist Phil Anderson won the very next five-day world class race, the Sardinian International.
Dr. Maffetone muscle tests cyclist Steve Bauer.
TCA and Red Cross Join Forces
The Texas Chiropractic Association, with the aid of the American Red Cross, has implimented a successful program in Texas. The Back Injury Protection/Protect Your Back program enlists DCs to teach back care awareness courses to corporations, and to issue completion certificates at the end of each three-hour course. Other state associations have expressed interest. For information about the Back Injury Protection/Protect Your Back program contact C.X. Domino, D.C., C.C.S.P., 6243 Bissonnet, Houston, Texas 77081.
PCU Receives Library Grant
The Palmer Chiropractic University (Davenport) Health Sciences Library recently received a $16,000 grant from the Foundation for Chiropractic Education and Research (FCER). The grant will help pay the start-up costs of dial-up membership to OCLC, Inc. of Dublin, Ohio. OCLC is a national bibliographic database with more than 20 million record holdings from its more than 6,000 member libraries throughout the world.
Life College Names New Department Head
Two-time Professor of the Year Dr. Samuel H. Demons has been promoted to Anatomy Department Head at Life College. Dr. Demons has been a professor in basic sciences for ten years. He earned his bachelor of science from Morehouse College, and his master of science in genetics, and his Ph.D. in genetics from Atlanta University.
The Texas Chiropractic Association, with the aid of the American Red Cross, has implimented a successful program in Texas. The Back Injury Protection/Protect Your Back program enlists DCs to teach back care awareness courses to corporations, and to issue completion certificates at the end of each three-hour course. Other state associations have expressed interest. For information about the Back Injury Protection/Protect Your Back program contact C.X. Domino, D.C., C.C.S.P., 6243 Bissonnet, Houston, Texas 77081. The Palmer Chiropractic University (Davenport) Health Sciences Library recently received a $16,000 grant from the Foundation for Chiropractic Education and Research (FCER). The grant will help pay the start-up costs of dial-up membership to OCLC, Inc. of Dublin, Ohio. OCLC is a national bibliographic database with more than 20 million record holdings from its more than 6,000 member libraries throughout the world. Two-time Professor of the Year Dr. Samuel H. Demons has been promoted to Anatomy Department Head at Life College. Dr. Demons has been a professor in basic sciences for ten years. He earned his bachelor of science from Morehouse College, and his master of science in genetics, and his Ph.D. in genetics from Atlanta University.
Dr. Samuel H. Demons, new Anatomy Department Head at Life
Radiology Teaching File Donated to LACC
The Los Angeles College of Chiropractic (LACC) recently received the Dr. Leo E. Wunsch I Memorial Radiology Teaching File, donated by Dr. Leo E. Wunsch II from Sun City, Arizona. This file is the core of the x-ray film library of Leo E. Wunsch I, one of the original founding fathers of the American Chiropractic Board of Radiology. The films encompass the following categories: chest, heart and great vessels; abdominal radiology to include contrast studies of the G.I. and G.U. tract; arocholecystograms; plain films of the abdomen; and an extensive collection of skeletal radiographs.
The radiology department and staff of LACC will have access to this file for teaching purposes, and certain cases will be copied and put into the student teaching file for their review.
Life West Has New Acting President
Board of Regents chairman Carl Dieter, D.C., recently announced that Fred Barge, D.C., of Wisconsin, has begun his three-month term as acting president of Life Chiropractic College West. Gerard Clum, D.C., president of Life West since 1981, is presently on disability leave recovering from knee surgery.
Dr. Barge recently completed a term as president of the International Chiropractors Association (ICA) and was honored as the 1991 Chiropractor of the Year by the Fellows of the ICA at the association's national convention. He is a 1954 Palmer College of Chiropractic graduate, and also received a Ph.C. from Palmer in 1965. Dr. Barge has served on the postgraduate faculty of 12 chiropractic colleges.