News / Profession

FCLB Passes Resolution Encouraging State Boards to Take Action Against All Chiropractors Involved in Research Recruitment

Editorial Staff

At their annual meeting in Albuquerque, New Mexico on February 15, 1991, the Federation of Chiropractic Licensing Boards (FCLB) proposed and unanimously passed a resolution against "patient solicitation schemes under the guise of research."

The resolution was initially proposed by Paul M. Tullio, D.C., FCLB district II director. The resolution passed after a brief discussion when it became apparent there was no opposition to its passage.

The resolution is as follows:

FCLB Resolution

WHEREAS, Legitimate chiropractic research is vitally important to the continued growth and development of the chiropractic profession; and

WHEREAS, Patient solicitation schemes under the guise of research are extremely damaging to the image of the chiropractic profession; and

WHEREAS, Participating in patient recruitment schemes under the guise of research and any other related unacceptable marketing schemes creates substantial ethical and legal concerns; and

WHEREAS, Patient solicitation schemes under the guise of research violates many anti-solicitation statutes and such schemes are under investigation in many states, now, therefore, be it


That the FCLB finds that illegitimate patient research and solicitation schemes under the guise of research and other unacceptable marketing schemes are extremely destructive to the interests of the chiropractic profession and therefore condemns such schemes and urges all chiropractic state examining boards to pursue all appropriate statutory and regulatory avenues to investigate and enforce the law against those practitioners who engage in such activities.

March 1991
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