This Is Your Only Chance.....

But You Must Do It Now!
Editorial Staff

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services is in the process of developing a new Medicare fee schedule. This fee schedule will be based on the Resource-Based Relative Value Scale developed by Dr. William Hsiao of Harvard University. (Be watching future issues of "DC" for a clearer understanding of this revised scale.) The same scale will be used for all health care physicians according to their work relative value units.

The resource costs of each health care physician category is to be defined by the total of three components or relative value units. These components are: overhead costs, malpractice costs, and work costs (work relative value units). The work relative value unit is defined as your income, less your overhead and malpractice expenses. Every health care physician specialty is being asked to provide the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) with information regarding these three components in order to be included in the proposed new rule.

Charles R. Booth, the director of the Office of Payment Policy for the Bureau of Policy Development, HHS has asked the chiropractic profession to provide them with the information necessary to allow chiropractic to be included in this process. Dynamic Chiropractic has been chosen to distribute the necessary survey and collect the information.


January 1991
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