Being proactive vs. reactive with tax planning will have a tremendous impact on profitability and long-term wealth creation. Keep in mind, I am not a CPA and I am not giving tax advice. Rather, I’m passing on information that I learned as a practice owner and now implement in my financial planning practice. While not an exhaustive list, here are a few items to contemplate in 2025 as you watch the dollars in your practice.
Brain Tune-Ups
It is reported that Thomas Edison made a habit of going into meditative states while leaning against a wall. He would hold a ball by his side over a metal bowl. If he went too deep and fell asleep, the ball would drop and wake him. According to Edison, these were his "creative interludes," in which he came up with many of the ideas for his 5,000 patents.
Advances in computer technology have produced hand-held, light and sound generators complete with earphones and special glasses, that are capable of duplicating Edison's creative interludes. That doesn't mean that you will produce 5,000 patents just because technology allows you to go where Edison went. However, for the average person, softening the brain in front of the tube all week, a "mental fitness" program would seem to be in order. Also, we are constantly bombarded with stressful stimuli during most of our waking hours. So much so that the natural transition into the healing states of relaxation and rest are interfered with -- sometimes dramatically but usually more subtle, over time. Hence, the myriad of stress-related syndromes that do not kill us outright but create 80 percent of the medical involvement in our lives and support a plethora of international pharmaceutical, mega-corporations.
If, in fact, we only use 10 percent of our brain's potential, we have a lot of potential to work with. How do these light/sound machines (audovisual integrators) stimulate some of this potential?
The brain is capable of different states of consciousness, as a function of four electric frequencies.
Beta (13-30 Hz): Normal state of alertness, stress and anxiety
Alpha (8-12 Hz): State of light relaxation, state of superlearning, positive thinking
Theta (4-7 Hz): Deep relaxation, meditation, increased memory and focus
Delta (1-3 Hz): Deep sleep, lucid dreaming, increased immune functions

Alpha/theta states are experienced best in secure environments when no external threat is perceived. Since these are "healing" as well as creative states, increased immune function is engaged. The neurohormones -- norepinephrine, serotonin, and betaendorphin, associated with increased energy, mood elevation, and pain reduction are produced at increased rates.

Neuro-chemical Level After Alpha Synchronization
Light and sound generators lead the brain into creative/healing states by the process called "brainwave entrainment." Synthesized audio pulsations in synchrony with light pulsations, fill the visual and audio cortex receptors, and the brain's frequency "entrains" to these external frequencies. This process is easily verified by special EEG analysis. Blood/peridural analyses also document increases in the aforementioned neurochemicals. Dr. Robert Cosgrove Jr., Stanford University School of Medicine states, "Our EEG analysis shows that optimal cerebral functioning can be obtained with regular use of such an audiovisual apparatus. The machines could eventually slow the decreasing cerebral performance of the elderly. This type of machine could revolutionize neurology and medicine."
"Hemispheric convergence" describes increased right/left brain communication. Most of us tend to be unilaterally dominant, either left brain analytical/linear or right brain spatial/creative. When communication is stimulated, over time, the non-dominant hemisphere is brought up to the level of the dominant hemisphere, increasing the quality of problem solving and human interaction. This convergence is accomplished by a "binaural beat" where, as an example, 108 Hz is introduced into the right ear and 100 Hz into the left. The whole brain then entrains to the frequency differential of 8 Hz or whatever the differential. Enhanced CNS function can be dramatically tracked in the area of accelerated learning. Summary of a conjoint study at Pepperdine and University of California-Irvine states, "... 20 students learned 1,800 words of Bulgarian in 120 hours during theta stimulation. In about one-third normal time they spoke and wrote the new language. There is even recent evidence that the brain, exposed to a sensory rich environment, demonstrates regenerative capability. Dr. Marion Diamond, in her book, Enhancing Heredity, 1988, showed that, "sensory stimulation of the brain of rats increased dendritic growth. These changes can occur in all ages of animals from embryonic to very old."
Obviously, enhanced CNS function has unlimited potential. Without actually treating anything, doctors using light/sound technology are improving everything from bad attitudes to high golf handicaps and from psoriasis to migraines, paraphrased from Headache, March 1989: 49 of 50 migraines were relieved by photostimulation; 36 other migraines were stopped during the photostimulation session.
The mental/physical/chemical sides of the triad of health can be readily addressed by the chiropractor incorporating light and sound technology. Clearing interference, both supra- and infra-medulla, and providing a nutrient-rich bioenvironment, results in a holistic approach that is consistent with the fundamental principles of chiropractic.
Mr. Edison was into something special. He understood, intuitively, that there is a creative band of brainwave states but, without an appropriate external stimulus, the sleep state shuts down the access. Light/sound stimulus, maintains this access even if you fall asleep, i.e., you will be asleep and, simultaneously, be aware of being asleep.
It wouldn't surprise me if Edison came off the wall one day, cornered an assistant and said, "Guess what, I just got this idea that the doctor of the future will give no medicine but will ..."
James R. Herriott, D.C.
Eugene, Oregon