News / Profession

The Presses Are Rolling!

The Mercy Document Is on the Way
Editorial Staff

The Mercy document, Guidelines for Chiropractic Quality Assurance and Practice Parameters, is at the printer and is expected to be mailed early in October.

Once again, a special "thank you" to the following organizations for making it possible for every chiropractor in the United States to get a copy:

Foot Levelers, Inc.
OUM Group
California Chiropractic Association
Leander Health Technologies
Activator Methods
Motion Palpation Institute
Parker Chiropractic Resource Foundation
The Practice Resource Group
Visual Odyssey

Due to the tremendous number of phone calls concerning the release date of the document, Dynamic Chiropractic will publish an approximate date when you should receive your copy of the Mercy Guidelines. Please be watching for that announcement.

September 1992
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