Being proactive vs. reactive with tax planning will have a tremendous impact on profitability and long-term wealth creation. Keep in mind, I am not a CPA and I am not giving tax advice. Rather, I’m passing on information that I learned as a practice owner and now implement in my financial planning practice. While not an exhaustive list, here are a few items to contemplate in 2025 as you watch the dollars in your practice.
Take It from "Old Dad Chiro"
Case History:
"A boy in his twelfth year took to his bed with typhoid fever, on July 1, 1908. The family physician, one of the leading doctors of Oklahoma City, attended this case constantly for three weeks. On July 21, hemorrhages from the bowels began and the doctor almost despaired of the child's recovery.
"The mother decided to try spinal adjustment for the relief of the child. The author was called and found the fever registering 105 degrees and had been doing so for more than one week.
"An adjustment was given for the removal of interference with the nerve supply to the spleen and bowels. The principal adjustments given in this case were of the sixth and twelfth thoracic vertebrae. The fever in a few minutes time began to decline, and on the morning of the third day the temperature was normal. There was no further hemorrhage after the first adjustment. Convalescence was complete within one week's time."
That 12-year old patient would be 96-years old today. The doctor who adjusted the boy was none other than Alva Gregory, M.D., D.C.
The case history was taken from Disease and Rational Therapy authored by Dr. Gregory, and copyrighted and published by the Palmer-Gregory College in 1913.
Dr. Gregory not only authored Spinal Treatment Science and Technique, Disease and Rationale Therapy, Spinal Adjustment and Spinal Treatment, but was also president of the Palmer-Gregory College, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
So what about the Palmer College of Chiropractic in Portland, Oregon, not to mention the "Fountainhead" in Davenport Iowa?
Why is it so few in our profession have ever heard of Alva Gregory, M.D., D.C,?
I would regularly hear of these colleges and names from my great uncle, who was an M.D., D.C., D.O., N.D. He attended school with B.J. and was, at the very least, as colorful and controversial a figure as the combination of both D.D. and B.J.
It was my uncle, Dr. William Scopel, who introduced me to "spondylotherapy," "rationale therapy," "concussion," and a host of unconventional treatment when I was just a child. He shared stories, experiences, and an entire library of classic books of which many, I am sorry to say, were destroyed over 30 years ago.
Three books which I still cherish today are The Chiropractors' Adjustor (1910) D.D. Palmer; Disease and Rationale Therapy (1913) Alva Gregory; and a Materia Medica (1853).
The two books I refer to are still available as reprints and should be required reading for every chiropractic student prior to graduation and every five years thereafter.
What is contained in these books would be impossible for me to elaborate on within the confines of these pages; however, I strongly urge each person reading this article to obtain a copy of The Chiropractors' Adjustor (1910) and skim, scan, and read this classic book. What you will learn will amaze you.
You will find in this book a description of an acupuncture chart, the word acupuncture, and the fact the art is 2,000-3,000 years old. It mentions inserting needles into the body. But, perhaps the most amazing discovery you will make by reading this classic is the fact that D.D. was an egotist of pathological proportions and possessed a degree of paranoia from which I personally have never seen a more outlandish display. It is also quite obvious the disappointment with B.J. was extremely obvious even in the earliest days.
But, once your past all of that you will learn of CP and KP. You old timers out there reading this know what I am talking about; however, most newer graduates and students have never heard of this and unfortunately may never have the opportunity as chiropractic education moves further and further from its roots.
Center Place (CP) corresponds to the 6th thoracic vertebrae and Kidney Place (KP) corresponds to the 12th thoracic. It was very common in the golden days of chiropractic to achieve remarkable responses like the one which leads this article, by simply adjusting the 6th and 12th thoracic vertebrae. Palmer considered these two areas primary.
In addition, one would adjust the atlas and local spinal segment of the involvement. As concussion was a very important part of spondylotherapy in the early years of chiropractic, do yourself and every patient you see for the next 30 days a favor and use a teishein, Activator instrument (multiply struck), a Piezo stimulator or a laser directly over the spinous and transverse process of the 6th and 12th thoracic vertebrae, along with the bilateral lateral masses of the atlas. Adjust these three areas along with the local area of involvement.
If any of you reading this think I have, within the confines of Dynamic Chiropractic, ever shared with you a clinical tip of great significance, "you haven't seen nothing yet!"
John A. Amaro, D.C., FIACA, Dipl.Ac.
Carefree, Arizona