Being proactive vs. reactive with tax planning will have a tremendous impact on profitability and long-term wealth creation. Keep in mind, I am not a CPA and I am not giving tax advice. Rather, I’m passing on information that I learned as a practice owner and now implement in my financial planning practice. While not an exhaustive list, here are a few items to contemplate in 2025 as you watch the dollars in your practice.
Immunization, Your Choice or Their Command
Approximately one year ago, I wrote a patient brochure with the above title. As I prepared my column for this issue of "DC", the words again went through my mind, "Your Choice or Their Command?" I believe this is what infuriates me the most about medicine. From their ivory tower of so-called intellectualism they actually believe that they know what's best for all of us in health matters; they find little need for considering anyone else's opinion. Allow me to quote some salient comments from my brochure:
"Since 1986 our government has paid $22 million to families in compensation for injuries following vaccination for whooping cough and other diseases. Now this has been going on for a much longer time than 1986. Let's go back to a report in Newsweek, July 18, 1977. Congress appropriated $135 million to indemnify makers of the swine flu vaccine. Yet claims over $1.3 billion were filed with the Justice Department, alleging injury or death as a result of the swine flu shots. Yes, the ill-fated swine flu vaccine is a perfect example of the folly of vaccination. And what happened to the terrible swine flu epidemic that was supposed to sweep our nation?
Well, 517 Americans were struck with Guillain-Barre syndrome caused by the vaccine, and at least 23 died. Meanwhile there were only six verified cases of swine flu; even in those cases the diagnosis was questionable.
Nobel Laureate Linus Pauling was quoted to say that he and his family would not take the swine flu vaccine because, as he stated, there was "significant danger" associated with it. In the same supposed swine flu epidemic emergency, the Pennsylvania Intelligence Journal reported that 100 percent of the medical physicians surveyed said they would not administer the shots to their own children.
Noted medical authorities are beginning to speak out against immunization. The late medical author, Dr. Robert S. Mendelsohn, a pediatrician, made this statement:
"Although I administered them myself during my early years of practice, I have become a steadfast opponent of mass inoculations because of the myriad hazards they present. The subject is so vast and complex that it deserves a book of its own."
History shows us that diseases came and went long before vaccination was employed; the bubonic plaque is a perfect example. Most all vaccination programs started long after the disease they were meant to defeat was already on its decline. The polio vaccine is a modern example; the disease was well on the decline when the vaccine first came out. Today, Dr. Jonas Salk, the developer of the first polio vaccine, has stated that the Sabin vaccine was "the principle if not the sole cause of the 140 polio cases reported since 1961. At the present time, the risk of acquiring polio from the live virus vaccine is greater than from natural occurring viruses." In other words, the vaccination is worse than the disease itself. The same was true in England in regards to the smallpox vaccination. In the Philippines, where 10,000,000 were vaccinated for smallpox, it resulted in the worst epidemic that had ever occurred on the islands. The death rate quadrupled from 15 to 60 percent. This happened in 1937, and the pity of it all is that we haven't yet learned from our mistakes. From the smallpox epidemics to the swine flu deaths, to the deaths and the mental retardation from DPT shots, the vaccinators continue.
The American Journal of Epidemiology, January 1989, reported on a measles "epidemic" in an Illinois high school. The report stated that 99.7 percent of the 1,873 students had been vaccinated -- why the epidemic?
Dr. Clarence S. Gonstead made this statement:
"Vaccines did not clean up the country, clean living did."
So true my friend, Dr. Gonstead. So what should we do about it?
The ICA has taken a positive step opposing the concepts of mass medication and has written in its policy statement, that it ... "is supportive of a conscience clause or waiver in compulsory vaccination laws providing an elective course of action for all regarding immunization, thereby allowing patients freedom of choice in matters affecting their bodies and health." Possibly the ACA will also take a stand. Our outspoken advocacy of freedom of choice in all health care matters can go a long way in helping bring total awareness of chiropractic's view points on health to the public, who today sincerely want a drugless and bloodless alternative to ordinary medical care.
"A spine chiropractically maintained in youth is the best assurance to a healthy life that you can give a child."
Next time, Dr. Barge speaks on "Immunization and Unity."
Fred H. Barge, D.C., Ph.C.
La Crosse, Wisconsin