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"Go West, Young Man"

Stanley Greenfield, RHU

That famous quote came from the pioneer days of our country. The young and adventurous of this great country jumped on their horses or loaded up their families on Calistoga covered wagons and started their long trek westward. Well, I too have answered a call. "Head south, old man." I have packed my bags and flown the friendly skies to sunny Florida. Not as adventurous as horseback, but I did it without even getting "bumped." I am far from old, in my early 50s, but I do consider myself adventurous at heart. After all, I write this article every month. I lived in Jacksonville, Florida originally, and when the opportunity to move back came along, I took full advantage of it.

There are many advantages: mild winters, beautiful beaches, lower cost of living, golf courses everywhere (in fact, I live on one), no state income tax, etc. I am fortunate that I can do what I do from any location, and as long as I am near a major airport, I can fly easily to any speaking engagement. (In March I will be flying to Hawaii to speak at the MPI seminar. Hope to see you there.) The post office will deliver your numerous letters to me here just as fast as the ones I received in Maryland, and the telephone service in Jacksonville can keep me in touch at the push of a button. I am still as close as your phone, or a 29-cent stamp, until they raise the cost, and as sure as the sun will rise tomorrow, so too will our postal and tax rates.

Well, another year has passed, and I am sure most of your resolutions have almost been forgotten. Life goes on. You can, however, take some positive steps to improve your financial life. It may be "one small step" in the financial world, but it will be a giant step forward for you and your financial future.

Let's begin with a few "small steps." First of all, have you set any goals, short and/or long-term goals? How will you know that you have arrived if when you get there you don't know where you're going? Decide what you want and then see what steps are necessary to get there. In my overall financial program, I break things down into three stages, short-term, intermediate, and long-term. This is where you begin. This is the first step that I have all of my clients deal with before we get into any facts and figures.

Have you considered "taking the challenge" and using tax-free money markets as a holding tank for your money? Why not? What do you have to lose? The goal is to pay less taxes and have more money. That is unless your goal is to pay more taxes and have less money. I get letters every day from doctors who have taken the challenge all over the country. You say you didn't see my idea because you have been living in a cave? Well, drop me a line and I will send you the details. It's yours free for the asking. The price is certainly right.

What have you done about a retirement program? You plan to work right through until the day before you die. Sounds admirable but dumb. The time to start is now. Compound interest can work for you if you have some money for it to be applied to. Remember, 20 percent of nothing is still nothing. Have you explored the different plans that you can use? Did you keep copies of my old articles on retirement plans? Would you like copies? Then grab a pen and send me a self-addressed envelope. The longer you wait the more dollars you lose.

Do you have kids that will one day want to take full advantage of a four-year, all expense paid vacation that has been mis-named, college? No plans at all? You plan to pay for it with out-of-pocket, after-tax dollars? Good luck! There are lots of method that can be helpful. I know, you were caught in the great fire that destroyed San Francisco in the early 1900s, and all your back copies of Dynamic Chiropractic with my articles were burned. Well, fear not, I still have mine and will be happy to send you a copy.

Is your bank making enough profit on your account to put the FDIC back into the black on its financial statement? Pity. Can't say I didn't warn you. Are those checks you're writing costing you more than the amount that you are writing the checks for? Have you been asleep for 40 years, Rip? Well, wake up and smell the roses and get my articles on coming out ahead of your friendly banker.

These "small steps," if taken now can help you take a giant step forward this year. Don't let another year and another dollar pass you by. See you in Hawaii.

Your comments and inquiries may be directed to:

Stanley Greenfield, R.H.U.
12873 Huntley Manor Drive
Jacksonville, Florida 32216

Please include a self-addressed, stamped envelope. Thank you.

March 1992
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