Being proactive vs. reactive with tax planning will have a tremendous impact on profitability and long-term wealth creation. Keep in mind, I am not a CPA and I am not giving tax advice. Rather, I’m passing on information that I learned as a practice owner and now implement in my financial planning practice. While not an exhaustive list, here are a few items to contemplate in 2025 as you watch the dollars in your practice.
Pennsylvania Chiropractic Organizations Unite
The Pennsylvania Chiropractic Society (PCS) recently united with the state's three other chiropractic organizations to form the Pennsylvania Chiropractic Health Care Consortium. The consortium is co-chaired by PCS' immediate past President Dr. Paul R. Hetrick and the Pennsylvania Chiropractic Federation (PCF)'s Dr. Samuel H. Sarraf. Current PCS President Dr. Carl M. Phillips, PCS Chairman Mario A. Spoto, and PCS Second Vice President Rodney Shaffer represent the Society at regular consortium meetings.
Oregon DCs to Publish 1992 Practice Guidelines
The Oregon Board of Chiropractic Examiners (OBCE) recently announced the publication of the Practice and Utilization Guidelines (NMS) 1992 edition. Oregon is one of only five states to have a published guidelines for care document. Volume I is specific to common neuromusculoskeletal conditions. Future volumes will relate to other aspects of the chiropractic practice in Oregon. For further information contact: Dr. Steven Gardner, president OBCE, 2026 Sandy Blvd., Portland, OR 97230.
George McAndrews, James Harrell to Speak at ICSM
The Foundation for Chiropractic Education and Research (FCER) has scheduled George P. McAndrews, Esq., attorney in the landmark Wilk et al. case, as a speaker for the 1992 International Conference on Spinal Manipulation (ICSM). Mr. McAndrews will be representing the legal community.
The scheduled ICSM keynote speaker is James A. Harrell, deputy director of the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Mr. Harrell is a proponent "Healthy People 2000," a national initiative from the federal government that emphasizes prevention to improve the health of the American public over the next 10 years. In addition, Normand Danis, D.C., president of the Quebec Order of Chiropractors will make a presentation. Dr. Danis will speak on the success that chiropractors have had in Quebec working outside the health care system.
For more information about the 1992 ICSM, please contact Robin Merrifield, FCER/ICSM, 1701 Clarendon Blvd., Arlington, VA 22209, Tele. 1-800-637-6244 or (703) 276-7445.
NCC to Open New Public Clinic
Work is currently underway at the National College of Chiropractic (NCC) to build a third public clinic. The ground breaking ceremony was held December 17th in Aurora, Illinois, site of the new clinic. The clinic will be 3,000 square feet and will include five treatment rooms. Construction is projected to be be completed by the spring.
Dr. Carl S. Cleveland III Appointed to Centennial Board
Dr. Carl S. Cleveland III, president of the Cleveland Chiropractic Colleges was recently appointed to represent the Association of Chiropractic Colleges (ACC) on the Board of Trustees of the Chiropractic Centennial Foundation. Dr. Cleveland and the other trustees will plan the celebration of the centennial, scheduled for September 11-16, 1995 in Davenport, Iowa. Board members are coordinating events, supervising educational programs, and generating public awareness in celebration of chiropractic's 100th year.
Palmer Sponsors Nutrition Symposium
The third symposium on nutrition and chiropractic will be sponsored by the Board of Nutrition and the Institute of Graduate Studies and Research at Palmer College of Chiropractic. The symposium is scheduled for November 14-15 at Palmer-Davenport with "Nutrition and Disease" as the forum theme.
The editorial committee for the symposium is calling for abstracts for oral presentations and will be accepting original contributions, review articles or field trials in nutrition. Presentations should be ten minutes in length with five minutes for audience questions. The deadline for submissions is September 15, 1992. Symposium attendees will receive 12 hours of continuing education credits. For addition information contact: Moin Ansari, Ph.D., the chairman of the Board of Nutrition at Palmer-Davenport at 1-800-722-2586 ext. 782.
Chiropractic at U.S. Ballroom Dancing Championships
At the U.S. Ballroom Dancing Championships held in Miami, Dr. Joanne R. Gregory, from Cooper City, Florida, won a silver medal in the All-American Pro/Am Theatre Arts and a second place in the compulsory of the U.S. Open Pro/Am Theatrical Dance Championship. She danced with her professional partner Tommy Delflore, who has taken second and third place in the World Invitational Competition in Blackpool, England.
Dr. Patsy Dreyer, of Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, did not dance but made chiropractic treatment available to the competitors during the week as the attending chiropractor. The week-long event featured over 4000 entries representing 33 countries.
CCF Plans Sixth Commemorative Button
The Chiropractic Centennial Foundation (CCF) is planning another commemorative button, the sixth in a series of 10, to be produced exclusively for the CCF. Buttons from past years have featured the bust of D.D. Palmer; D.D. Palmer's birthplace, Port Perry, Ontario, Canada; the Ryan Building where the first adjustment was given; the first adjustment; and the first class at Palmer. The commemorative buttons, which may become collectors' items, are available to those who donate to the CCF. President of the ACA legislative PAC Dr. Ken Luedtke presented a $1,000 donation to Dr. Kerwin Winkler, vice president of marketing for the CCF, for a commemorative button at the ACA Roundtable luncheon this fall in Washington, D.C. For more information on donating contact: CCF, P.O. Box 4522, Davenport, IA 52808-4522.
Correction: In our February 14th issue, News in Brief mistakenly reported that Dr. Maxine McMullen was Palmer College's first female dean. Previous to Dr. McMullen's appointment to the position of dean, Dr. Yvonne Brockington, current vice president of Student Affairs, was dean of Student Affairs.