Because they have yet to pass national legislation protecting the chiropractic profession, Japanese DCs are in a similar situation that U.S. DCs faced. We were fortunate enough to be able to pass chiropractic licensure state by state. The DCs in Japan must accomplish this nationally, which has proved to be an extremely difficult task. And in spite of their efforts, Japanese DCs are currently faced with two chiropractic professions.
So When Are You Going to Have a Baby?
Dear Dr. Amaro, I am writing to let you know that I utilized the acupoints described in your July 1, 1989 issue of Dynamic Chiropractic, "So When Are You Going to Have a Baby?" As a result, a very good friend of mine should be giving birth to her first child by th time you receive this letter. This friend (Karen) is an x-ray techinician who had been trying to conceive for at least five years! Both she and her husband had "every test conceivable" (no pun intended) and no explanation could be found as to why they were having difficulty. As an x-ray technician, she is inundated with pro-medicine and anti-chiropractic nonsense, so with much persuasion I used the points described (in the article) on Karen via the non-invasive tapping method and the same points on her husband. Due to scheduling problems this couple was only able to be treated on two occasions. One month later my friends informed me that Karen was pregnant. As an AK practicioner, I have been introduced to the meridian system in the past, however your articles have been very informative and interesting. Please keep up the great work. Sincerely, Mark F. Lynch, D.C. Lake Grove, New York |
Little did I realize when I wrote the article "Miracle Baby" (October 25, 1991) and offered reprints of the July 1, 1989 article "When Are You Going to Have a Baby," that I would be inundated with requests. As I write this (December 15) I have received 638 requests from practitioners throughout North America; the Australian, European, and Asian requests are just now starting to trickle in.
The letters I receive bring tears to my eyes. Scores of doctors, support personnel, and patients relate their frustrations, fears, prayers and desires in their unsuccessful efforts to begin a family. They write to me with a glimmer of hope: "Maybe next Christmas, we will have another package under the tree," to quote one letter.
In sharing some of the emotional letters with Don Petersen Jr., editor of Dynamic Chiropractic, he quickly agreed the original article should be re-run considering the overwhelming response and to accommodate those faithful readers who may have missed the October 25, 1991 issue where the reprint offer was made.
Now, if you were one of those who missed reading my article in Dynamic Chiropractic (October 25, 1991), don't let it happen again; no excuses.
Just think how many babies will be conceived by next year at this time thanks to "DC."
Again, remember to send a photo of the baby. I'll add it to my collection.
P.S. In speaking to Dr. Lynch requesting permission to print his letter, he told me Karen delivered a girl, 10 pounds, 5 ounces.
So When Are You Going to Have a Baby?
I suppose most everyone knows the population of China is without equal. In one hour, China's population increases by 1,375. In just 24 hours the census increases by people 33,000. That figure put into a yearly perspective, means 15 million additional people added to China's already bulging seams.
Currently, the official figure for China's population is l.07 billion. Interestingly, half the population is under 21 years of age. It's awesome to think that one person in every four on this planet is Chinese.
Even though Chairman Mao Tse-tung said, "The more people the better," China's current leaders have adopted a different view. Faced with mounting problems in food production, China's official goal is to reduce the population to a stable 1.2 billion by the year 2,000. This can be accomplished if 65 percent of the population under 30 limit their families to one child. One would not think fertility would ever be a question in the People's Republic of China. For the nation, it's not a problem. However, what about the newly-wed Chinese couple who are ready to begin their family, who are faced with that international question asked by virtually every mother, father, mother-in-law, father-in-law, and both sets of grandparents, "So, when are you going to have a baby?" For the couple unable to conceive, the stress from this situation can be overwhelming and to the Chinese -- embarrassing.
Acupuncture has long been revered for its ability to assist fertility even though what occurs physiologically has not been explained by the scientific community. Its success, clinically, is significant. I wouldn't want to give the credit or the blame to acupuncture in discussing China's one billion people. However, on an individual case-by-case situation, acupuncture should definitely be explored for any couple currently suffering the frustration of being "infertile."
Historically, most of the finger pointing in Western society is towards the female. However, the Chinese view both partners as their patients. I am unsure of the history of the procedure I am about to describe, as it was verbalized to me, and my teacher had it verbalized to him, and who knows how many predecessors it had before that.
Speaking from personal experience from my own practice and the feedback from my students, the technique works. Obviously, there are numerous medical conditions that may occur that may render a couple childless. However, this technique is worth a try in all cases except the woman who has no uterus, tubes or ovaries. In cerebral acupuncture there is a zone (not a point) which is one inch in length, beginning at the front natural hairline and in line with an imaginary line drawn up from the lateral canthus of the eye. This zone extends one inch straight posterobilateral from the front natural hairline.
Sperm palace: This point is three fingerbreadths bilateral to GV4, which is directly below the spinous of the second lumbar.
Palace of the Child: This point is three inches (four fingerbreadths) bilateral to CV3. CV3 is one inch superior to the symphysis pubes.
Triheater 4 is the source point for general metabolism and conception vessel 5 is its alarm point. Kidney 3 (internal malleolus) has a strong effect on sperm action as well as gallbladder 25, the alarm point for kidney (tip of 12th rib). Conception vessel 12 and 17 are important to general functioning and kidney 27 is vital.
Stimulate these points, preferably electrically or with laser, for 30 seconds per point, two times a week. The patients should be instructed to massage these points at home at least once a day. One of the most critical points is conception vessel 1 which can be massaged at home. This point lies directly in the perineum. Even though it is a vital point, due to possible medico/legal entrapments, I suggest this point not be administered in the office. A suitable substitute and topic for a future series of articles would be Korean hand acupuncture. Here the corresponding CV1 point is located at the base of the palm of the hand.
I have found lecithin as a daily supplement has a profound effect, as does general cell salt supplementation.
Be sure to send me a photo of the new baby; I'll add it to my collection.
John A. Amaro, D.C., F.I.A.C.A.
Carefree, Arizona