News / Profession

NCMIC Survey Finds DCs Read "DC" Most

Editorial Staff

WEST DES MOINES, Iowa -- A new survey conducted for the National Chiropractic Mutual Insurance Company (NCMIC) by Rowan & Michaels, a New York-based opinion research firm, reveals more doctors of chiropractic read Dynamic Chiropractic than any other single national, regional or specialty publication serving the chiropractic profession.

As part of the NCMIC survey, DCs were asked to name the chiropractic publications they regularly read. Three professional journals were read by one-third to one-half of all DCs. Dynamic Chiropractic was named by the greatest number of DCs (44 percent).

The research also identified several primary concerns about malpractice insurance, including quality, comprehensiveness of coverage, rates, and stability of the insurer.

NCMIC is a mutually-owned insurance company that has been serving the chiropractic profession for nearly 50 years. NCMIC is headquartered in West Des Moines, Iowa, and insures more than 23,000 policyholders nationwide.

December 1993
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