Being proactive vs. reactive with tax planning will have a tremendous impact on profitability and long-term wealth creation. Keep in mind, I am not a CPA and I am not giving tax advice. Rather, I’m passing on information that I learned as a practice owner and now implement in my financial planning practice. While not an exhaustive list, here are a few items to contemplate in 2025 as you watch the dollars in your practice.
CCF Meets in Davenport on Founder's Day
The Chiropractic Centennial Foundation (CCF) hosted a meeting of all organizations and colleges, Sept. 18th in Davenport, Iowa. Over 75 representatives from the chiropractic colleges and national, state, and regional associations attended.
Continuing education credits, registration fees, plans for a chiropractic float in the 1995 Rose Bowl Parade, sponsorship updates, fundraising goals, and proposals for entertainment were all discussed.
Registration Fees Announced
The costs of attending the Grand Celebration in Washington D.C., July 5-9, 1995, and in Davenport, September 13-17 are as follows:
Early registration: by Oct. 31, 1994 $295 -- one location $545 -- both locations
Registration: by May 31, 1995 $395 -- one location $645 -- both locations
Registration: after June 1, 1995 $495 -- one location $745 -- both locations
Corporate and Individual Sponsors Show Support for Grand Celebration
Visual Odyssey, Inc., of Temple, Georgia, and J.A. Preston Corp., of Jackson, Michigan, are the most recent corporate sponsors of the CCF, each donating $1,000.
"$1.1 million has been raised so far," said Rick Flaherty, chairman of the sponsorships and donations subcommittee of the CCF. Mr. Flaherty revealed another $100,000 in commitments from various sponsors, and predicted an additional $400,000 in corporate sponsors by year's end.
Individual sponsorships are gaining momentum as well. "Doctors will be receiving their individual DC sponsorship brochures this fall," said Dr. Holmberg. Sponsorship brochures have gone out to 50,000 DCs. To date, the CCF has receive 42 individual sponsorships.
There are six levels of DC sponsorships, from the $25,000 Elite Club Super Sponsor level, to the $500 Ruby Club Sponsor. All sponsors will receive a "special package of compliments" based on sponsorship level.