Being proactive vs. reactive with tax planning will have a tremendous impact on profitability and long-term wealth creation. Keep in mind, I am not a CPA and I am not giving tax advice. Rather, I’m passing on information that I learned as a practice owner and now implement in my financial planning practice. While not an exhaustive list, here are a few items to contemplate in 2025 as you watch the dollars in your practice.
California Forum
CCCLA Vice President Addresses World Chiro. Congress
Dr. Matthew Givrad, executive vice president of CCCLA, presented a report on the Iranian Chiropractic Association at the 1993 World Chiropractic Congress held this summer in London (see front page story in the July 2, 1993 issue of "DC"). The Congress was co-sponsored by the World Health Organization and World Federation of Chiropractic (WFC).
"The Iran report consisted of the status of the doctors of chiropractic in Iran in terms of the acceptance of the degree as a professional doctorate in chiropractic," said Dr. Givrad. "Furthermore, I informed the assembly of the prospective for the drafting of the scope of practice and the licensure and registration."
The WFC member countries were enthusiastic and optimistic about the growth of the chiropractic profession throughout the world. Currently 89 countries are members of the WFC.
"On behalf of the Iranian Chiropractic Association, I thank the WFC, David Chapman-Smith and Joan Brydon for their invaluable assistance to us," said Dr. Givrad. "I will continue to keep the Iranian Chiropractic Association informed on the developments of chiropractic throughout the world."
President of Cleveland Colleges Named to Centennial Committee
Dr. Carl S. Cleveland III, president of the Cleveland Chiropractic Colleges of Los Angeles and Kansas City, was appointed chairman of the Educational Committee of the 1995 Centennial Celebration. Dr. Cleveland will serve as the receiver of research proposals on behalf of the World Federation of Chiropractic (WFC).
Dr. Cleveland met with WFC Secretary-General David Chapman-Smith, Esq., and Dr. Scott Haldeman to finalize details on criteria and procedures related to the scientific awards and lecturers that will be a part of the educational presentations during the Centennial Celebration in Washington, D.C. The announcement has already been made that the Chiropractic Centennial Foundation (CCF) is requesting research proposals.
"I am honored to be chosen to serve in this position," said Dr. Cleveland. "There are approximately 6000 U.S.-educated chiropractors practicing outside the U.S. The high-touch, low-cost, hands-on approach of chiropractic is gaining global interest and acceptance. The opportunity for growth is unlimited."
CCCLA Participates in LAPD's Explorers Program
Administrators from CCCLA recently attended an Explorers Program booster luncheon sponsored by the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD). Attending from CCCLA were Dr. Matthew Givrad, executive vice president; Georgeanne Gaulden, director of student services; Dr. Michael Birozy, clinic director; and Felicia Jones, records coordinator.
The LAPD's Explorers Program recruits students to assist the police officers in neighborhood watches. The program seeks to involve teens away from gang involvement and redirect them towards preventing crime within their own communities.
Chief Jesse Brewer, L.A. police commissioner, was the guest speaker at the luncheon. He outlined expected changes in support of the police department, and services resulting from Mayor Richard Riordan's incoming pledges.
"CCCLA invited members of the program to visit the college and the clinic. The hope is to get them involved in the chiropractic profession instead of gangs," Ms. Gaulden said.
CCCLA Holds Summer Commencement
The 1993 summer commencement at Cleveland Chiropractic College of Los Angeles was held August 7th, with graduation speaker Shawn Steel, JD, assistant professor at CCCLA. The college's President Dr. Carl S. Cleveland III hosted a luncheon and slide show for the graduates and their guest on July 15.
Class valedictorian was Keith Joseph Graves from Glenwood Springs, Colorado. The following students graduated with the degree of doctor of chiropractic:
Armando Roman Babcock
William Marks Hendricks
Alan Edward Barr
Michael Kau'i Ihara
Plinio C. De Barros
Leslie Kathleen Jones
Eric Campbell Jose
Lalangan Macaraeg Brian
Chia-Cheng Chen
Marco Antonio
Cazares Martinez
Elizabeth O'Keefe
Steven R. Paredes
John David Collins
Cathy Renee Marco
Antonio Dardon Basia
Maria Rezler
Azaden Dayani
Laura Michele Taylor
Christine L. Fitzpatrick
Gerardo Victorio Vitug
Sheila Wynee Forte
Linda M. Yang
Yoshinari Harada