Being proactive vs. reactive with tax planning will have a tremendous impact on profitability and long-term wealth creation. Keep in mind, I am not a CPA and I am not giving tax advice. Rather, I’m passing on information that I learned as a practice owner and now implement in my financial planning practice. While not an exhaustive list, here are a few items to contemplate in 2025 as you watch the dollars in your practice.
The Myth Lives On ...
The Motion Palpation Institute is dedicated to advancing our profession in the 90s and beyond. One major roadblock in chiropractic's advancement is the myth. Almost 100 years have passed since our humble beginnings and yet the myth persists despite all evidence to the contrary. What is the myth? The bone-out-of-place paradigm.
The problems start at school; lines on x-rays, palpation for misalignment, etc., are required course work. Ironically, each technique has its own marking system. One technique might deal only with the atlas-axis, another C5, and another the sacrum. Some are measured in degrees and other in millimeters. We have developed very sophisticated x-ray devices to check patient motion and all types of "whirlygigs" to analyze those infinitesimal changes in bony position. We also have techniques with leg checks to determine whether the atlas is right or left, or if the sacrum is posterior. The level of sophistication we have developed to determine bony alignment is quite remarkable.
Technique manuals show bones "jumping" out of place, some in the anterior direction, some posteriorly. The list of technical devices used to measure, define, and treat the myth is endless. Dr. Faye once related a story of a new car owner. After purchasing the car, the driver noticed that he could not see out the front windshield. Inadvertently the manufacturer had failed to remove the protective opaque covering from the windshield. The car owner proceeded to spend thousands of dollars in "technowhirlygigs" such as special cameras, TV screens and such in order to be able to drive his new care without looking through the windshield. One fine day he realized that the only problem was the windshield covering had not been removed.
When will chiropractors let go of the myth? The joints in our body are deigned to move, not reside in one static position. Every joint in our spine moves with each inspiration or nod of our head. Our profession is wasting valuable time and resources propagating a myth.
Our founders endeavored to escape the medical model and offer an alternative to drugs and surgery. Each year brought new advances and discoveries that continued to improve our profession. As a profession, we have accepted that chiropractic is a science and have benefitted from the increases in our education in the field of anatomy, physiology, diagnosis, etc., but we have failed to accept the most important discovery concerning our profession, joints move!
Terry Elder, DC
Winfield, Kansas