Being proactive vs. reactive with tax planning will have a tremendous impact on profitability and long-term wealth creation. Keep in mind, I am not a CPA and I am not giving tax advice. Rather, I’m passing on information that I learned as a practice owner and now implement in my financial planning practice. While not an exhaustive list, here are a few items to contemplate in 2025 as you watch the dollars in your practice.
1993 Conference on Research and Education
The scientific program for the 8th Annual Conference on Research and Education (CORE), sponsored by the Consortium for Chiropractic Research, is held in conjunction with the Annual Convention of the California Chiropractic Association. The 1993 version of the CORE conference, June 18-20 in Monterey, California, will continue with its emphasis on assessment of chiropractic technology and investigating the chiropractic profession's niche in our nation's health care policy.
There are many compelling reasons for chiropractors, chiropractic politicians, health care purchasers, health care regulators, and members of chiropractic state boards to attend and participate in the conference. The CORE program will feature technology assessment panels looking at the controversial surface electrode EMG and videofluoroscopy devices and procedures. In addition, there will be expert panels that will discuss the "Impact of Guidelines on Health Policy" and the "Future Trends of Chiropractic Research." As a special bonus, there will be a four-hour workshop on how to read, evaluate, and appraise chiropractic science.
Some of these programs are very sensitive and controversial. Because of that, there is no reason why the meeting rooms should not be "standing room only." These panels are the best opportunity for individuals in the chiropractic profession to stand up and be heard with respect to these topics. If you come, you will hear and be heard by some of the top experts in their respective fields.
Serving on the panel on surface EMG are notable experts: Christopher Kent, DC; Robert Leach, DC; David Marcarian, John Triano, DC; and James Wood, PhD. On the videofluoroscopy panel are James Antos, DC; Alan Breen, DC; Vernon Pierce, DC; Kevin Robinson, DC; and Harry Wallace, DC.
The panel discussing the impact of guidelines on health policy will include a representative from the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research, the federal agency that oversees guideline development, and three chiropractors that have served in some dominant capacity in national guideline development, other than the Mercy Guidelines. We also have invited six of the most notable chiropractic researchers to gaze into the crystal ball and comment on the future trends in chiropractic research.
And finally, a Sunday morning four-hour workshop on learning how to critically appraise published science and use such information in our everyday practice. This session will be taught by Drs. Marion McGregor and Silvano Mior. And yes, attending all of these sessions does entitle you to claim 13 hours of continuing education credits.
One of the more popular highlights of the CORE Conferences is the sharing of current scientific works. This year we will display about 40 scientific papers as posters. Scientific posters are a way for the author to mount a scientific article on a large poster board which can be viewed throughout most of the conference. It gives you the opportunity to view this current work and dialogue directly with the principal author. The poster presentations were very popular at last year's conference, and are a rare treat indeed.
So you can easily see that this two and one-half day program can have significant impact on you individually, and the chiropractic profession as a whole. These are the kinds of conferences that expand our knowledge and enhances our inventory of science. For the many individuals and organizations that have been critical of the advances of chiropractic science and the development of guidelines, e.g., Mercy, RAND, AHCPR, this year's CORE Conference is your next opportunity to interact with the "process." Otherwise, all of your criticisms will continue to be unheard, to ultimately be lost in that big vat of "chiropractic whine." Take this opportunity to stand up and be heard.
Make your plans now to attend this year's exciting CORE Conference.
For more information on registration and lodging, contact the California Chiropractic Association at (916)387-0177 and ask for information on the Monterey CCA Convention and CORE Conference.
Specific information about the CORE Conference or the Consortium for Chiropractic Research can be obtained from: Seva Craven, Executive Secretary, Consortium for Chiropractic Research, 1095 Dunford Way, Sunnyvale, California 94087 (408) 983-4067
Daniel T. Hansen, DC, FICC
Program Chairman
Consortium for Chiropractic Research
Sunnyvale, California