Being proactive vs. reactive with tax planning will have a tremendous impact on profitability and long-term wealth creation. Keep in mind, I am not a CPA and I am not giving tax advice. Rather, I’m passing on information that I learned as a practice owner and now implement in my financial planning practice. While not an exhaustive list, here are a few items to contemplate in 2025 as you watch the dollars in your practice.
The Kansas Video -- A Powerful Message
Whenever I present all of the powerful facts that chiropractic has going for it as a cost effective, safe, and therapeutically superior form of health care, it is often met by surprise and disbelief that we can have so much going for us yet so few people know about it. I am frequently asked, "Where are your public relations people? Don't you have people to get this message out to the public? They should capitalize on it." I agree with them and then explain that too often we are too conservative with this information, often to our own detriment. It is no secret that I have been critical of this fact and have constantly urged chiropractors to be more assertive with the media.
Well, the Kansas Chiropractic Association (KCA) has answered a long overdue prayer and has produced and released a magnificent 10 minute videotape that will fill all of your fondest expectations (see "Chiro Education Video Delivered to Capitol Hill" in the Sept. 12, 1994 issue). The video tells it like it is in no uncertain terms and captivates the listening audience. It briefly alludes to our victory in the court as you see a gavel come down with a "guilty" verdict, and then proceeds to set the record straight on the most common misconceptions on chiropractic.
When I played the tape for the staff of dental assistants who work for the dentists who share my clinic space, they commented, "Wow!", and "I didn't know that!" I'll confess that the first time I saw the tape that I was so proud and impressed with it that it brought tears to my eyes. In fact, when it was shown to one state association, every member in the room stood up after it finished and gave it a standing ovation.
I learned from Dr. James Edwards, chairman of the video committee for the KCA, that this project was initially planned as an educational tool to be used only for their own state, but was later changed into a generic form so that it could be used by the other 49 states. The KCA had the videotapes hand delivered to all 535 United States representatives and senators. The American Chiropractic Association (ACA), also impressed with the videotape, contributed economic support to get these tapes into the hands of all of the federal legislators.
The research, production, and distribution of these quality tapes (along with travel to Washington D.C.) cost about $33,000, yet the KCA is making the video available to state associations at the special price of only $16.50. The KCA attaches one condition to the low cost sale of these tapes: that the state associations must purchase them in quantities equal to the number of legislators in their state and then give them to each legislator. In quantities over and above the legislators, the associations can purchase them in lots of 25 for only $12 each (i.e., 25 tapes for $300). How the state associations decide to distribute them to their members is of course up to the association.
The KCA doesn't know if it will ever get its investment back, but this was not its motive. The only goal of the KCA was to produce a powerful, educational tool, and it certainly did that. If you don't have a TV and VCR in your office, it is well worth your investment to buy one just to use this tape with all of your patients. I have seen videos selling for hundreds -- even video packages costing a thousand dollars -- that cannot match the powerful impact of this tape. The beautiful thing about this tape is that it accomplishes in only 10 minutes a concise, highly informative and well documented message. It utilizes all of the latest sophisticated "state-of-the-art" television techniques. The picture quality cannot be surpassed.
This KCA spared no expenses in producing a highly professional quality product. It educates its viewer with powerful information that leaves no doubt in the minds of the viewers that chiropractic has a highly sophisticated educational base, is scientifically proved, is very safe, cost efficient, and therapeutically superior to medical methods within certain areas of health care.
I wouldn't change one word in the script, which is superb. I have no vested interest in this videotape other than wanting to see every state association in America purchase it and use it to its fullest potential.
I have learned that every state association president and executive director in every chiropractic state association has received a copy of the video. It should be sitting on their desk for their consideration. It simply needs to be reviewed by your state organization. I have learned that quite a few states have already purchased these tapes and that the feedback has been overwhelmingly positive. You cannot find a finer or more cost effective investment for your legislators. Furthermore, this tape can be given to television stations, newspapers, insurance companies, schools, libraries, and any other interested or influential parties. It just doesn't come any better.
The KCA hired an advertising agency to produce the video. Anita Harnett, the producer, unselfishly donated many extra hours of her own time because she so dearly believes in chiropractic and in the importance of this project. "There is no better feeling than to pour your heart and soul into a project and then feel really appreciated," Ms. Harnett said. Now that's the kind of attitude and dedication we need from the people we hire to work for us. We have a great profession and we need the people who work for us to appreciate this fact and be willing to go that extra mile.
The five member KCA video committee worked at a feverish pace for six months because of the vital urgency with legislation and the upcoming centennial. The committee views the tape as KCA's centennial gift to the profession; indeed, a very generous and much needed gift. It is a heroic and brilliant work of art which accurately reveals the true chiropractic picture. Its producers reflect the kind of love, compassion, dedication and commitment to chiropractic deserving of this profession, and clearly shows it. The entire profession owes them their full support and gratitude for their efforts. I would like to see all 50 states using this tape. The national impact on chiropractic would be obvious. Urge your state leaders to get this tape if they haven't done so. You'll be glad you did.
For information obtaining these videotapes you may contact the Kansas Chiropractic Association, 1334 S. Topeka Blvd., Topeka Kansas 66612. Tele: (913) 233-0697.
Chester Wilk, DC
Chicago, Illinois